Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Prison makes bad people worse Essay

In the year 2002, there were just over 68,000 persons in prison in England and Wales, 6,000 in Scotland and 1,200 in Northern Ireland. In the case of England and Wales, this is a few thousand more than in 1999, but at this time the plateau stood in marked comparison to the trend up to 1997-8 and it was by no means certain that this could be maintained, (Morgan, 2002). These findings serve to highlight the progressive increase in rising prison numbers in the UK the causes of which are continually in debate and beg the question; what happens when there is no more room left in our prisons? For the purpose of this essay, this author assumes that the statement â€Å"prison makes bad people worse† infers that an offender, who serves a custodial sentence, is more likely to re-offend upon release. Before evaluating this statement and reaching a conclusion, this author will introduce a brief history of the prison system in an attempt to offer an understanding of how imprisonment has become the most severe penalty imposed on offenders in the UK today. Prisons all over the world have existed for many years for the purpose of confining those in society who have committed a crime serious enough to warrant such a sentence. The purpose of prison is now not only to inflict a punishment but also to attempt to rehabilitate offenders contrasting with the early days of imprisonment where little rehabilitative work was done. A custodial sentence is now the most severe penalty that an offender can be sentenced to in the UK following the abolition of the death penalty in 1965. Imprisonment is intended to punish offenders through restricting freedom and liberty as well as unfavourable living conditions in the name of ‘less eligibility’, (Morgan, 2002). This in no way is intended to suggest that conditions in prisons are inhumane although reports exist from previous investigations that would suggest otherwise. Punishment for offenders was served in a very different manner prior to the nineteenth century. Punishments at this time in the main consisted of physical punishment which would often involve torture, public humiliation and even execution. After decades of this type of punishment being administered, the torture and public humiliation elements ceased. The infliction of physical pain was replaced by the principle that the loss of rights and wealth would serve as an adequate deterrent for further offending. Although this altered form of punishment apparently focused on the mind of the individual, it could still be argued that custodial sentences still impose an element of physical torture indirectly by food rationing, sexual deprivation and solitary confinement. These aspects of punishments are still relevant within the penal system today, (Flynn, 1998). Many different explanations exist for why this change from physical punishment to imprisonment came about, one of which argues that the reason for the shift was due to humanitarianism and reform which would offer a more humane and civilised alternative to the methods of previous years, (Wilson, Ellis, Mikulski, & Nash, 2003). An opposing argument suggested that this was not the case and that the defining of a new age and more effective punishment by focusing on the reform of offenders into the ‘disciplined subject’ were the main reasons for this shift in operation, (Foucault, 1977). Despite this argument, one of the most influential factors associated with how prisons operate in the UK today is the concept of human rights. The 1998 Human Rights Act governs these rights. Along with this, the Prisons Inspectorate introduced guidelines on what factors should constitute a healthy custodial environment based on international human rights principles. Arising from the World Health Organisation’s influence, four tests are used to identify whether a healthy custodial environment is present. Firstly, prisoners must be held in safety. Secondly, they must be treated with respect and dignity as human beings. Thirdly, they must be able to engage in purposeful activity, and lastly, prisoners must be prepared for resettlement into the community prior to release, (Owers, 2003). Because of the unpleasantness of imprisonment it is necessary for this type of punishment to be justified. Prison can be very unpleasant for many offenders as their liberty is severely reduced, their contact with family and friends is minimised, and it can infer many social disadvantages that may lead to offenders becoming socially excluded upon their release from custody. In order to justify imprisonment as a viable punishment, numerous theories or arguments have been introduced in an attempt to support this sentencing option. One argument that attempts to justify imprisonment is the concept of Reductionism. This argument suggests that custodial sentences reduce the number of crimes committed. Those in agreement with this theory also argue that the number of crimes committed will be less if someone is punished in this manner, than there would be if no punishment were imposed at all, (Cavadino & Dignan, 1997). This theory also suggests that society as a whole, has a greater influence than the individual and therefore an offender would be powerless to justify not going to prison if he/she had committed a crime that endangered public safety, (Abercrombie, Hill, & Turner, 1988). However, it could be argued that this theory suggests that crimes are only committed by those who are in prison ignoring the concept that there are many in society committing crimes that have never been caught. Deterrence is another theory used to justify imprisonment as an appropriate punishment by arguing that people will not offend because they are too fearful of the consequences should they be caught as the punishment is seen as too severe. There are two elements to this theory, firstly there is individual deterrence which suggests that an offender will not re-offend because the punishment they received last time was so severe that it has deterred them from doing it again. Secondly, there is general deterrence which argues that a punishment imposed on one offender for a crime will deter others from offending, as they know exactly what the consequences are. At first glance, deterrence theory appears to hold validity, but in reality research findings have indicated that sentencing offenders to custodial sentences has a more influential effect. Once an offender has been in prison they may find themselves labelled by the rest of society and categorised into a stereotype with unfavourable connotations. This may hinder their attempts to live lawful lives for example; problems getting a job and even psychological effects, which may become apparent in their behaviour, (Cavadino & Dignan, 1997). This evidence could be used to support the argument that prison does make people worse. Rehabilitation theory suggests that some forms of punishment can actually reduce the likelihood of re-offending and alter an offender’s behaviour and attitude. Together the prison service and the probation service are heavily involved with rehabilitation as well as the treatment and training of offenders, (Wilson et al, 2003). As a main aim of the prison service to assist in the rehabilitation of offenders, the provision of accredited programmes such as PASRO (Prisons Addressing Substance Related Offending) and ETS (Enhanced Thinking Skills) attempt to address prisoners’ offending behaviour whilst in prison. However, a report by the Social Exclusion Unit found that the prison experience causes such damage to an offenders’ rehabilitation that it outweighs the effectiveness of the programmes, (Solomon, 2003). Another criticism of the penal system is that many offenders are sentenced to such short periods of custody that they are unable to gain access to any rehabilitative interventions. This evidence could also suggest that prison can make bad people worse. The theory of incapacitation implies more emphasis on public protection rather than the behaviour of offenders which coincidently is another main remit of the probation service. Quite simply, this theory argues that if an offender is in custody they are unable to commit crime and therefore ensuring public safety for the duration of the sentence giving piece of mind to members of society, (Ainsworth, 2000). It could be argued that this theory fails to recognise that crime often occurs within prisons including violence, bullying and drug offences. Another criticism of this theory is that as mentioned earlier, the public will only be protected in this manner for the duration of a sentence. Lastly, retribution theory holds that punishment is imposed on an offender to redress the balance between offenders and their victims in making sure that the offender suffers for their crime. Ainsworth (2000), recognises that seeing an offender incarcerated may make the victims feel that justice has been done. However, this is often not the case as many offenders receive sentences that the victim may feel does not reflect the harm that has been caused to them as a result of the offence. Now that some of the justifications for imprisonment have been discussed, it is now possible to explore conformity within prisons which may assist in reaching a conclusion on whether the statement â€Å"prison makes bad people worse† can be justified. Conformity, a theory closely linked with labelling theory, suggests that an individual may conform to social rules or may even assume a social role because it is recognised as the norm in their environment. Heavily influenced by the levels of power, social roles exist predominantly in the prison environment especially between prison officers and offenders. One study that attempted to explore power dynamics and how easy it is to assume a role was conducted in August 1971 by psychologist Philip Zimbardo and was named the Stanford Prison Experiment. Twenty-five male volunteers took part in the experiment and were taken to a mock prison where each person was assigned a role of either prisoner or guard. The guards had the authority to dictate 24 hour a day rules to the prisoners the results of which were shocking and are still referred to today. A number of prisoners had to be released due to mental health illnesses arising from the trauma of the situation. The experiment, which was intended to last for two weeks, was terminated after six days due to the pathological reactions of the prisoners who ironically had been selected for their normality. The findings were that the environment transformed the participants and after a few days, the role dominated the person, (Alexander, 2001). This experiment highlighted social power as the being the major factor in the participant’s behaviour as all the guards at some point displayed abuse, authoritarian attitudes, and appeared to enjoy being in control. Zimbardo argued that this abnormal behaviour is a product of transactions within an environment that supports this behaviour. The labels placed upon the participants became valid in this environment and pathological behaviour was the outcome, (Wilson et al, 2003). This experiment still has implications for the prison system today in that Zimbardo argued that the current prison system is guaranteed to cause severe pathological reactions within prisoners causing a debasement of their humanity, low self esteem and making it difficult to integrate into society outside of prison, (Wilson et al, 2003). This would suggest that labelling and conformity theories are a case for prison making bad people worse. Whilst in prison an offender may assume a role that could be continued upon their release. Zimbardos’ experiment provides an adequate basis for discussing the sociological theory of a prison subculture sometimes referred to as the inmate code. The prison society exists apart from the rest of society and therefore it is understandable that norms and values are very different between the two. Sykes (1958) found that the inmate code is something that may give a prisoner an identity and help them to cope with the effects of imprisonment. The code is thought to include certain rules such as not fraternising with staff, acquiring a position in the inmate ‘pecking order’, and giving the impression of toughness in emotion and physical appearance. Clemmer (1940) argued this to be part of the prisonisation process which arguably reinforces criminal behaviour as prisoners become used to opposing authority which is likely to continue in the outside world, (Cited in Morgan, 2002). Therefore, attempts at rehabilitation may be hindered by this and could be used to argue that prison makes bad people worse. So what statistical evidence is there to support the statement â€Å"prisons make bad people worse†? Reports into the subject have found that prisons have a poor record in reducing re-offending and that 59% of offenders are reconvicted within two years of release. For male youths under the age of twenty-one, the reconviction rate is 74% over the same period of time. Research findings from the Social Exclusion Unit have indicated that re-offending by ex-prisoners costs society approximately ? 11 billion each year and that they are responsible for one in five recorded crimes, (Solomon, 2003). This evidence would appear to suggest that people who have served custodial sentences have been made worse by the experience and that imprisonment is not an effective punishment. Contributing to this argument is the theory that these statistics are only obtained from recorded crime suggesting that the figures may in reality be significantly higher as many crimes are not recorded. In conclusion it would appear that there is much evidence to support the claim that prison makes bad people worse such as the statistical evidence revealing reconviction rates. On the other hand, there are also arguments for prison as an effective punishment such as the justifications for imprisonment including rehabilitation and deterrence theories. It would appear that prison does indeed have an influence on some prisoners re-offending but it would be difficult to assume that this is the case for all offenders who have served a custodial sentence. This would suggest that for some offenders prison is effective and for others it is not. Having said this, it is important to recognise that prison does ensure public safety from offenders who pose danger to society, but only for the period they are in custody unless they emerge from prison rehabilitated. For those offenders who could be dealt with in another manner, community penalties offer the versatility in sentencing options necessary to provide effective punishment without contributing to the growing problem of increasing prison numbers. It is therefore vital that the most appropriate punishment is imposed individually taking the crime and the offenders’ circumstances into account when sentencing.

Of Mice and Men Critical Evaluation Essay

Question: Write a critical evaluation of the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men† in which you consider the setting, the plot and the author’s style as well as what you think the author was trying to get you to think about through the medium of the story. The novel, â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck is one which I have read recently. The book is set in the outskirts of Soledad, California, America round about the 1930s. The two main characters of the novel are George Milton and Lennie Small. George is a small, quick thinking man and is the total opposite of Lennie whom is big built, and rather unintelligent and ‘simple minded’. When reading the book it appears as though he could possibly have a mental disability. In that particular time of the centuary is was rather peculiar for two men to be travelling around together. The two men migrate from a town called Weed, the reason for this being that Lennie touched a little girls’ dress as he liked to touch soft materials, this material being the little girls’ dress. Although the young girl claimed that Lennie had raped her and so George and Lennie fled the town. They worked as labourers and so migrated to a ranch near Soledad. At the ranch we are introduced to some other characters. One being Slim, a man who works at the ranch he appears a well respected man and is sort of looked to as the sort of leader of the group. Curley is the bosses’ son and enjoys picking fights with other men present at ranch and is rather disliked by most. Carlson is another man whom works at the ranch who becomes quite friendly with George and Lennie. Curleys wife is referred to as a tart on the ranch, she in known to have given some men the ‘eye’ without Curleys knowledge. Later in the novel Curleys wife is killed by Lennie due to her own careless actions when she flirts with him and torments him. She tells him to touch her hair as he likes to touch soft things. When she tells him to stop ‘mussing’ it up and he does not stop she reacts in a way that Lennie is startled and when she begins to scream he begins to panic and become scared and so he puts his hand round her mouth and lifts her up by the neck and shakes her. We are then told that ‘she flops like a fish’ and when Lennie drops her she land on a pile of hay and it is then we find out she is infact dead. In consequence to this incident Curley and some of the other men attempt to track Lennie down but George tells them that Lennie has gone South of Soledad but in actual fact he has given them the wrong directions because it is only George that knows where Lennie has really gone. When George finally reaches Lennie he decides that it would be better if he ended Lennies life for him rather than have Lennie being tortured and having to experience pain by the other men when they eventually hunted him down. In the novel there are lots of features which run through out the book. The features of the book which will be mainly focused on are the plot, the setting and the author’s style. The first feature which I will concentrate on is the plot. Lennie who is more like a young boy rather than a responsible adult, he likes to pet soft things for example when Slim gives him a puppy because his bitch has a litter of pups he pets it so much that he ends up killing it. An example of the plot is when Lennie is constantly petting the puppy and is warned by George who says: â€Å"‘You’ll kill him, first thing you know.'† The above example shows that Lennie was warned to stop petting the pup or it would result in its death but he is too persistent to stop. A second example of the plot occurs nearer the end of the novel when Lennie and Curleys wife are in the barn: â€Å"Then Lennie grew angry, â€Å"Now don’t,† he said. â€Å"I don’t want you to yell. You gonna get me in trouble jus’ like George says you will. Now don’t you do that.† And she continued to struggle, and her eyes were wild with terror. He shook her then, and he was angry with her. â€Å"Don’t you go yellin’,† he said, and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck.† This example shows that Lennie was so terrified that he would go to any extent to prevent him from getting into trouble from George. Now that he had killed her he was clearly much calmer now that he had somewhat solved the problem which could have got him into trouble because Curleys wife was no longer an issue to cause any concern. These two examples both show how the plot develops through out the novel. I will now cover the setting which is one of the many other features running throughout the book. The book was set back in the 1930s at a ranch near Soledad in California, America. The first example I will direct my attention to is from the beginning of the novel and it says: â€Å"On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening, and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of ‘coons, and the spread pads of dogs on the ranches, and with the split- wedge tracks of deer which come to drink in the dark.† This example descriptively tells of the surroundings in the novel. This is a good example as it describes the scenery in great detail to give a vivid image in the mind. Lastly, the authors style was another of the very many features of the novel. This style was brought to my attention many times due to the great depth of explanation. An example of this is: â€Å"The little evening breeze blew over the clearing and the leaves rustled and the wind waves flowed up the green pool.† This last example is effective as it describes how the wind blew across the pool. Most writers try their best to show great depth in their description, whereas Steinbeck shows his remarkable and impressive ability to create a descriptive atmosphere. In conclusion after reading the book I think the message that Steinbeck is trying to get across is that people who needed more help than others in those days were treated just the same as any other person. Also I think that Steinbeck would like people to know that America is not always the perfect place to be, as in the novel it shows some examples of racism, unfairness to women and inequality and many more issues. After all everyone has the right to an equal life and Steinbeck is trying to say that no matter how good people think America is its not always a fair society. I found the book very enjoyable but in some parts a little sad and it is most unusual to any other book which I have read. Towards the end I found myself empathizing with Lennie as I did not agree with the way in which his life was ‘stolen’ from him when it was not his fault that he had a somewhat mental disability.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Simulation in Architectural Research

Simulation in Architectural Research Abstraction In the new universe of architectural research and determination, engineering has a chief function to play. With the aid of engineering it made possible in making practical universe which triggers many facts and findings for obtaining illations that helps in pulling decisions. This paper focuses on one of the research processes that are involved in the extroverted coevals of architectural research i.e. architectural simulation research. The architectural simulation can be classified into pulling, exposure and different graduated table theoretical account. This research can be executed in similar lines with the conventional Logical Argumentation, Experimental Research and Qualitative Research in many ways. The paper besides focuses on the tactical portion of the different class of simulation research which deals with the features of simulation types. Keywords: Simulation ; Architectural research ; Architectural Photographs ; Architectural ModelsIntroductionSimulation occurs when a reproduction of a existent universe context or a hypothesized existent universe context contains with in a dynamic interactions that are consequence of manipulated factors. The interactions are brooding of the interactions happening in the practical universe for application into the existent universe context [ 2 ] . In simple footings simulation is a procedure where one can compare the existent universe scenario by making practical universe. It may be minimized graduated table in existent universe or created by the package. There are points to be considered during the procedure of simulation as it proposed a practical world. It can give information to gauge the likely menaces, besides provides different types of analytical tools and reading interface for truth in simulation. This predicts the possible solutions that are effectual in extenuating unsafe c onditions like natural jeopardies like temblor, tsunami, and air current factors etc. to gauge the likely menaces and provides different types of analytical tools and reading interface for truth in simulation as trades with graduated table and complexness. Computer engineering helps a batch in this research. It helps in stuff testing by practical simulation like fire-fighting, wind factor analysis, climatic alteration, temperature ordinance inside every bit good as outside the edifice etc. [ 1 ] .Scheme of Simulation ResearchWhenever simulation procedure has to be acquainted with architectural research, so it can be sub-divided into classs like pulling, picture taking every bit good as architectural theoretical accounts. It can be equipped with assorted applications depending on the practical demand of the fortunes. 2.1 Pulling for Simulation The procedure of design can be considered as the simulation research, as the reading of ideas and feeling of the research worker is involved. An designer ought to plan a edifice as per client’s demand, professional moralss and personal inventions. Series of test and mistake can be manipulated by the designers ; by maintaining in head the different factors like functional demand, structural stableness and delighting aesthetics along with clip and cost to finish the undertakings every bit good [ 2 ] . 2.2 Photographs for Simulation Photographic analysis is another manner of stand foring simulation in architecture. This is the procedure to understand the exposure and seek to associate it into existent universe scenario and happen out the relationship between the images into existent universe version. Photograph of one topographic point is being inter-related to the other built infinite which may be conceptually and contextually related. Many parametric quantities can be evolved from such photographic analyses. 2.3 Model for Simulation Different sorts of results can be obtained so as to cipher parametric quantities when there is a physical or practical theoretical account is entitled for rating. The influence of orientation of the edifice, Sun visible radiation, air current behaviour, all these can be calculated through edifice mold procedure. Scale physical theoretical account can be tested in the lab by the procedure of air current tunnel trial for proving air current form, BESTEST [ The Building Energy Simulation Test ] for ciphering the edifice energy consumption for a peculiar clip period and giving consequences to optimise it efficaciously. Different package like Design Builders, Ecotect analysis package etc. simplifies the undertaking to place the variable like DBT [ Dry Bulb Temperature ] , WBT [ Wet Bulb Temperature ] and humidness degree inside the suites etc. During the research procedure one can alter the parametric quantities and look into the computations for different chances and deduce the best opti on for deduction into the several site specific constructing design.Types of Simulation Research3.1 Iconic In this sort of research testing of stuff or merchandises are executed with the aid of simulation oriented intercessions. The simulation chiefly involves in the procedure of altering variables limit, instead than alteration in stuffs for the simulation. 3.2 Analogous This sort of simulation occurs, when there is an existent or proposed physical system is carried by following comparative analysis matrix. This type of research includes the Model simulation by taking all the parametric quantities into consideration and compares the properties and impacts at the same time. 3.3 Operational When people are involved for determination devising procedure operational simulation happens. This theoretical account deals with peoples interaction with physical context but accent is more upon the informations generated by the function drama. This sort of simulation advantages by skit drama or some sort of act for bring forthing consciousness among people. Audiences are the variable parametric quantities who are altering their positions harmonizing to the emotional fond regard of the narrative in the practical universe which they relate to existent universe scenario [ 6 ] . 3.4 Mathematical System of figure coding that gaining controls existent universe relationships in quantifiable abstract values related to practical universe scenario. This mathematical simulation chiefly deals with the appraisal and costing of the edifice. While doing the entire preliminary budget of the undertaking many substitutions and combinations occurs between the pick of stuffs, labour and in break uping stat mi rock. All these available types of simulation research can be done with the aid of either physical or practical theoretical accounts. The constructs are same but the analysis or the results may be changing as all these are involved in different parametric quantities and different state of affairss [ 2 ] .Simulation and relation with other types of research4.1 Relationship between Simulation Research and Logical Argumentation Research The logical debate research explains the dynamic interactions and relationships but can non really show them. But the simulation research is designed to ordain a peculiar instance or at most of limited figure of instance specimen of the general theory. [ 2 ] 4.2 Relationship between Simulation Research and Experimental Research Experimental research isolates a context and identifies a peculiar variable that can be manipulated to see how it affects with other variables. Experimental research is more related to iconic simulation research. But simulation research recognizes that cause-effect relationships are normally is non clear in existent universe context which ever involve probabilistic factor [ 2 ] . Experimental research involves the realistic attack of happening the factor associated with the concerned undertaking whereas the simulation research merely gives us a practical acknowledgment of naming the undertaking aspects. 4.3 Relationship between Simulation Research and Qualitative Research Simulation research involves carry oning interviews which are held on-line, look intoing records accurately and in a shorter span of clip. Checking paperss or other sort of field-works which are chiefly supposed to be qualitative research oriented [ 2 ] .Tactical ConcernRetroflexing the existent universe scenario simulation research has some restrictions. Wayss to get the better of such mistakes becomes an built-in portion of tactics. The Strategic tactics are: Accuracy in reproduction is besides a affair of concern in this process [ 3 ] ; Data mistake is a liability that is sometimes found in such procedures ; co-ordination job may besides originate if there is improper balance in executing ; duplicate of informations or wrongly placed informations or incorrect input of informations is sometimes caused by manual mistakes which is conventionally a drawback in simulation procedures. Output printing/ patterning mistakes are besides possible in such a scenario [ 4 ] .Characteristic of S imulation Research6.1 Strength of Simulation Research Simulation research is capturing the complexness of existent universe behaviours i.e. natural and societal behaviours. It provides a assortment of ways of understanding the future behaviours of a context i.e. form and projection of behaviours. It provides harmoniousness between logical debate research, qualitative research, and experimental research and keeps a changeless relationship between them [ 5 ] . 6.2 Weakness of Simulation Research Simulation research replicates a existent universe scenario but there is no confidence of completeness of the research in a jutting agenda. This attack may non carry through the kernel demand of an entreaty. There might be many calculating mistakes possible during this procedure [ 6 ] . The deficiency of truth might be ensuing in certain proficient liabilities in the scenario. This research is costlier than other type of research. The disbursal undertaken in this phenomenal procedure is comparatively high and therefore the installing disbursals are besides well dearly-won. The clip taken by such a procedure is besides really long. It consumes literally more clip to take attention of every agreeableness of this procedure which would linger the entire docket to a longer period of clip.DecisionArchitectural simulation research can be in effectual instrumental tool in appropriate and instance specific design processes, as it infers possible parametric quantities derived out of assorted research faculties. Architectural simulation research helps in streamlining terminal user penchants and impacts by act uponing proper design deductions such as: Analysis of air pollutant scattering is identified utilizing atmospheric scattering mold in edifice industry ; Design of Noise barriers to consequence roadway noise extenuation is besides one of these attacks ; It mitiga tes the backgrounds of acoustical mistakes in a design ; Weather prediction is besides a part of simulations in today’s practical universe ; The information and about accurate anticipations of conditions and clime are made with the aid of put to deathing simulation placing techniques in certain instruments to retain the value of climate feature of a topographic point ; Live Forecasting of monetary values on fiscal markets and stock markets is an intimal extent of simulations in engineering ; Behavior of constructions [ such as edifices and industrial parts ] under emphasis and other conditions are besides estimated via simulations ; This phenomenon is utile in set abouting the stableness confidence of a construction ; Designs of industrial procedures, such as chemical processing workss are possible due to it ; Strategic Management and Organizational Studies are managed decently by these procedures ; Urban Simulation Models that simulate dynamic forms of urban development and responses to urban land usage and transit policies ; Traffic technology utilizes it to be after or redesign parts of the street web from individual junctions over metropoliss to a national main road web, for transit system planning, design and operations ; Modeling edifices clangs to prove safety mechanisms in new edifice theoretical accounts is an alien end product of the simulation oriented technological promotion. MentionsFraser, M. [ 2013 ] . Design Research in Architecture an Overview. London: Ashgate.Groat, L. N. , & A ; Wang, D. [ 2013 ] . Architectural Research Methods, 2nd Edition. Wiley.Hughes, R. , & A ; Tanna, S. [ 2013 ] . Specifications of GPST Stage 3: Written and Simulation Exercises. Jp Medical Ltd.Lin, L. H. [ 2011 ] . Specifications of Advanced Research on Computer Education, Simulation and Modeling. Springer.Marans, D. S. [ 2013 ] . Specifications of Environmental Simulation: Research and Policy Issues. Springer Us.Sharma, S. C. [ 2006 ] . Specifications of Operation Research: Simulation and Replacement Theory, Discovery Publishing House.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Science - Essay Example The main purpose of taking field trip is to allow students a real life experience that they would not be possible to have within the classroom setting or the laboratory. Academics believe that these varieties of activities enhance students’ understanding of the processes concerned and conjointly improve student’s attitudes towards science and within the classroom likewise. These trips have proven to be an effective pedagogy and may be used both effectively as well as frequently. Through a look of the Aquarium’s exhibits and behind the scenes areas, students are going to be exposed to aquarium careers and research. Also students would be able to understand how the Aquarium meets the diverse needs of the sea animals. Animal behavior is another interesting study. Before transferring animals to an aquarium, biologists study and understand how these animals behave and what they require to survive. Training is provided to the staff to take care of the health of those animals. On the other hand, there are Discovery labs. These labs provide great opportunities for different level of classes to dive into science. Through in-depth investigations, students will explore the ideas of marine biology and oceanography. These interactive discovery labs bring science to life and supply a chance for students to engage in group discussion. Few educators question the worth of learning through experience and research. They have indicated that learning outside the classroom setting can be educationally effective from both a psychological feature and emotional standpoint. Non-native speakers in particular who do not experience much success in the academic field might spark a lifetime passion while visiting, as an aquarium may present intricate information in more exciting and varied ways. As a result, these trips help in motivating students to learn more

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Foreign direct investment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Foreign direct investment - Research Paper Example The topic â€Å"The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in less developed countries† seems to be interesting and relevant. Through this topic, the study seeks to find whether these inflows of foreign capital can be sustained within the less developed economies. Whether the transnational players in the international economy could contribute to the modernization of the economies of developing countries is also the point of concern in this study.Development Economics is a topic that studies the economics of the developing nations. It has made exceptional use of economic hypothesis, econometric methods, sociology, anthropology, political science, ecology and demography and has mushroomed into one of the liveliest parts of study in all the social sciences. It is reasonable to say that the model of economic growth initiated by Robert Solow in 1956 has had an elementary impact on development economics. An addition to the capital stock will have a larger effect on p er-capita income. It implies that by means of controlling parameters (for example, savings rates and population growth rates), poorer nations will tend to develop faster and hence will come up to reach the levels of comfort enjoyed by their affluent counterparts (Ray, 2007).Leonard (2006) talks about the effect of FDI on wages and labor values in developing nations. Whilst wages for skilled labor often arguments due to higher FDI, the disparity between skilled and unskilled labor income has broadened (Leonard, 2006,).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Road To Recovery For the State of Illinois Research Paper

The Road To Recovery For the State of Illinois - Research Paper Example There are many other states that have not recovered fully or partially from the recession aftermaths and Illinois is also among them. It has been facing crisis since last few years. The governor and authorities are striving to take the state out of the critical situation but things is not that much easy. Illinois? is facing many crises at present. In fact there is a cluster of crisis including jobs, energy, pension issue, education etc. The Governor of the state Pat Quinn is currently fighting with all these issues and he has also proposed some changes for the improvement of the situation. He has introduced some plans for the betterment of economic landscape, human rights, employment conditions and extra funding for education etc. Financial situation of the state is not stable at all and it has created many problems for every single person living in the state. Governor has proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2013 and that budget actually has a depth of solving these issues b y having around $58 billion. He thinks that this budget will put Illinois on the road to recovery and it will be recovered soon by such turmoil. Structural reforms are proposed for pension system of the state and Medicaid program (Quinn 22). The journey of the state towards recovery highly depends upon the leadership. The leadership having the capability of taking difficult decisions with confidence and with optimistic approach can overcome the issues being faced by the state. Unfortunately people of Illinois have been waiting for long for such decisions but now the right time is there and the leadership is taking critical decisions that are important for the fiscal recovery of the state. The budget proposed by Governor has everything that is needed to cater the magnitude of crisis faced by the state. Quinn proposed budget gained appreciation and importance in people eyes because he has demonstrated that he doesn’t believe in borrowing money because it ultimately puts pressur e on the state. Borrowing will lead to reserved surplus and problem will be transfer to next years. Medicaid Program is the important step taken towards the recovery of the state. The program aims to support the under-privileged class through so that they can get access to healthcare facilities and medication. The current funding is not fully curtailed but it is not appropriate. If borrowing happens then Medicaid budget will be underfunded up to $2.6 billion. Proposed budget will overcome the funding gap by bringing changes for instance; repayment rate would decrease for healthcare provider and tax on cigarette would be much higher. Crises are severe and it is believed that proposed changes are appropriate enough to take the state to the next level easily with plan and strategy (Bunch and Beverley 57). Without a cost cutting plan, Assembly would not approve this budget because if funding of the state for Medicaid program get ignored then it will put burden of $5billion and the next fiscal year will be full of crisis. Quinn has proposed to handle the cost of pension system that will consume 20% fund in next fiscal year. Programs that are not funded and are acting as a liability on state will not be a burden anymore and he has also asked employees and tax payers to contribute for taking the state out of this situation. Quinn is optimistic in solving these problems but civic federation still has concerns regarding this approach because according to them pain taken from previous years is not that much easy. In 2010, Quinn

Friday, July 26, 2019

Religious visit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Religious visit - Essay Example For a class assignment, I visited St. Margaret’s Church at 1565 East Washington highway, Monticello Fl, 32344 (U.S. 90 east). This is a Catholic Church with the Parish consisting of Catholics living in the vicinity of the Washington highway. The purpose of the visit was to attend a Catholic Mass and experience the spiritual emotions of the congregation. Since Sunday services in Churches are usually filled to capacity, I thought it better to visit on a Saturday when only very devoted Catholics would be attending the daily Mass. The day was bright and sunny when I started from home and arrived at the church at 10.45 am. The first thing that struck me was the simplicity of its construction and the austere beauty of the church. It is a stone building, with a slanting gabled roof. The entrance was through an oval shaped, large mahogany door which seemed to welcome worshippers and added to the beauty of the Church. The inside of the church was quite simple, with pews for accommodating 250 or little more parishioners for one service. The people in the church were mostly middle class working people, with some pensioners also in attendance. There were an equal number of men and women. It was a mixed lot with Caucasians, Asians, and some Black worshippers. As this was a Saturday, most of the pews were empty and there were only some 35 worshippers present at this morning’s mass. ... The church premises included a vestry which was attached to the church and houses for the pastor and other lay persons who tended to the affairs of the church. There were 2 classrooms for Sunday classes for the younger children, and another classroom where boys and girls prepared for their first communion and later for their confirmation. There is a community hall with the church, where Parishioners meet to discuss the affairs of the church and to plan the various church programs, especially special worship programs such as Christmas, New Year, Easter and to celebrate the feast of St. Margaret (Brom). The organ was an old pipe organ which played during psalms and hymns. The choir comprised of some youngsters and some middle aged people who had been participating in the choir since they were young. Other outstanding features included a basketball court where young parishioners played in the evening and on holidays. Some trees surrounded the church, which provided welcome shade to pari shioners who liked to chat after services before heading for home. The lawn was green and well maintained. Most events and celebrations, such as wedding receptions, family picnics etc were held in the lawn. On Sundays, children played in the lawn while their elders attended Mass in the Church. I thought it better to arrive a few minutes before the service started. I was warmly greeted by Pastor Rev. Viet Tan Huynh, who is the parish priest. He asked if I was a recent member, and when I explained that I was here for just this one service, and why I was here. The church was adequately lit, and the pews were clean and gleaming. Everything was in perfect order. Pastor Rev. Viet Tan Huynh started the mass with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Final Film Critique Momento Mori Research Paper

Final Film Critique Momento Mori - Research Paper Example This might be a straightforward suspense thriller if not for the inversion of the usual chronology of a narrative. Rather than begin with the traumatic event, or early in the story with a few flashbacks to the traumatic event, the movie begins instead at its chronological ending, with Leonard enacting his revenge with the polarizing aid of a Polaroid camera. The story then proceeds in reverse, through a series of events in which each successive event precedes chronologically the event it follows. In effect, the movie mirrors the memory disorder that afflicts its main character. Leonard maintains a pretense of continuity through a series of tattoos that define his identity and his purpose and photographs that provide basic information about the people and objects with which he must interact. Equipped with these two modes of visual inscription, Shelby uses â€Å"habit and routine† to make his â€Å"life possible.† This essay will offer a detailed criticism of the film foc using on three themes: the double constitution of the film's protagonist, the fate of Teddy as decided by the objects around him, and the unique position the audience is placed in if and when they become aware of the climactic â€Å"error† of the film. ... But if his mind suffers from his strange amnesia, his body remains as a canvass on which to archive those questions of identity that haunt the agency lost along with his memory. Some tattoos provide routines by which to self-identify his disorder (â€Å"remember Sally Jankis†) while others provide information (the series of â€Å"Facts†) about the mysterious John G. responsible for his wife’s death. This cognitive road-map is in many was not nearly as striking and fetishized as it seems to be when it first appears on screen; in reality, it represents merely a more dramatic version of the same externalized memory technologies we have depended upon since the origin of writing. We use these external and technological memory systems to help make sense of the world around us, given that there is so much of the world we do not understand and far too much of the world for us to ever easily remember. In a book titled Impossible Exchange, Jean Baudrillard argues that huma nity, unable to deal with the radical uncertainty of the world, attempts instead to liquidate it, â€Å"to destroy it by substituting an artificial one, built from scratch, a world for which we do not have to account to anyone† (2001, p. 14). Given the doubts we have about the world, we prefer to find solace in the â€Å"simulacra and simulations† of places like Disney or religion or particular versions of history (Baudrillard, 1994), rather than face the reality that we do not know any of these things for sure. This is exactly what takes place in Memento with Shelby's tattoo work. Thus, Shelby’s attempt to use his skin as a place to store his memory is not as remarkable for its strangeness as it is for its banality: in a culture defined by the seasonal rotation of

Impact of the Elimination of the Electoral College Essay

Impact of the Elimination of the Electoral College - Essay Example This system has, however, been criticized due to weighty reasons. The abolition of the Electoral College system of voting would be better for the electoral landscape. The first reason is that this system leads to gross inequality in the issuance of campaign resources (LeVert 74). Larger states receive more funding for campaigns. Secondly, it is also on record that smaller states are accorded more electoral votes. This gives the notion that some states are more politically important than others. The minority are given a louder electoral voice than the majority. Wyoming has 3 votes with a population of 532,668 citizens against 32 votes for Texas which has approximately 25 million people. Wyoming has an elector for every 177,556 people, while Texas has one for every 715449. This shows unequal representation. It is clear that a majority of the population may endorse a candidate, but the Electoral College system deprives the larger population of the ability to decide their leadership (Bur g 155). This system also advocates for the two-party system. This closes up democratic space, while dividing the country along red and blue lines (Burg 109). It is important to note that other political parties exist in the US, but are not given the support given to the Republican and Democratic parties, despite having positive ideals for the American people. Advocates for the electoral system have argued that this system spreads votes, preventing candidates from concentrating their campaigns in places with high population density.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] Essay

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] - Essay Example If the State acknowledges the bid, then a private school can start receiving funds for their transport costs. Bidding renewals are to be done annually. However, to every rule, there is an exception. If a school happens to have vehicles owned by their District, then there is no need to renew their bid. Additionally, some schools may have opted to enter into a joint agreement with another. This implies that one school may apply on behalf of another. Similarly, some schools may be part of a coordinated transportation agency as asserted by Say student (2008). The Board of education is also given the mandate to reject applications for transport financing in the event that applications are made poorly. On the other hand, there is a maximum student number that can be covered by and district board. This implies that when the optimum number has been reached then all other applications will be rejected. Additionally, in the event that a private school is applying for transport funding yet it only deals with special children, then the board of education is mandated to reject their application. Similarly, if a school provides only vocational training or it provides only technical skills, then they are not eligible for state funding. When student's residential areas are over twenty miles away from the school, then they may not necessarily get access to State funds. Federal States also require that children meet certain age criterion in order to enroll for the program. For instance, in the State of New Jersey, children who are between kindergartens and age twelve are eligible for transportation services provided by the District in elementary schools. It should be noted that it is not mandatory for private schools to receive funding from their respective District school boards. But they have the option of utilizing other options available for them. For instances, it is not mandatory for a private school to receive funding in the event that their residents are located beyond two and a half miles and two miles for high schools and elementary schools respectively. There are also cases in which a school is located out of State but may wish to get funding from a school district Board. This is only permissible in the event that the school is located in a county with a third class rating. Additionally, funding may also be granted to those individuals who are found in counties that have a population greater than eighty thousand. However, this population may not exceed one hundred and twenty thousand people as put forward by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007). . Some private schools may be not for profit organizations. Such schools are also not mandated to receive transport funding, but may gain access given the fact that most of them are have tax exemption status. However not for profit institutions are usually required to display solid evidence bout their status. This is done by bringing an affidavit that will act as a form of evidence. There area also cases in which some schools have met all other criteria enlisted above but happen to be located twenty miles away from their schools. The legislature normally examines such schools on an annul basis. Once they find that these people meet the right criterion then they may

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Reference Letter of John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Reference Letter of John - Essay Example John proved to be altogether different from the rest of his colleagues as he looked at our business from the perspective of an outsider and this made a huge difference. He helped us to understand that funeral industry is not much different from any other product or service industry with stakeholders such as owners, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors etc. and went about strategizing our operations, even as he plunged himself into executing his specific role with rare zeal. His entrepreneurial streak and leadership qualities came to the fore as he involved himself in activities beyond the call of duty without treading on others’ toes. He is a team player par excellence. John changed the way we looked at our business in a number of areas like inventory control, working capital management, buyer-seller relationships, marketing, customer relations and above all, adopting the technology. All these changes as briefly explained below, have metamorphosed our operations like never before. John critically analyzed the past years’ data on stores and inventory movement and helped to rationalize the inventory management and thus working capital needs. He put in place a system of inventory control that tied up with the corporate goals of growth and profitability. Working capital costs have been brought down by avoiding high stocks slow moving but easily available items, even as incidents of unforeseen emergencies due to ‘stock outs’ of critical items were reduced. He has underlined the role of developing strategic relationships with critical suppliers in order to achieve a rational inventory control, whereby the suppliers are now more confident of their business with us and are willing to meet our demands of prices and delivery schedules.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Uptown, Dakota and Powermaster Case Study Essay Example for Free

Uptown, Dakota and Powermaster Case Study Essay In 1989, R.J. Reynolds announced to introduce a plan for Uptown, the cigarettes designed to target at black smokers. However, Uptown never reached the shelves because the opposition of some interest groups. In 1990, R.J. Reynolds begun to sell Dakota, which were a new cigarette brand targeted primarily at 18 to 24 years old female. In 1990, the alcohol producer Heileman Brewing Company launched a new high-alcohol drink PowerMaster, in order to targeted at black customers. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and G. Heileman Brewing Co. targeted the minority and ethnic groups. The segmentation marketing strategy of the cigarette and alcohol company induced some controversy marketing problems (Smith, 1995). II. Ethical Issues of the Company The ethical issue of R.J. Reynolds and G. Heileman Brewing was the same: they targeted the consumer segments viewed as â€Å"vulnerable† with the unhealthy products. Although marketing segmentation is an important marketing strategy for the company, the introduction of Uptown, Dakota and PowerMaster have resulted in controversy and even criticized as unethical because the products targeted at those people who are in lower income and with fewer education experience. 2.1 Ethical Issues Related Uptown and Dakota ï ¼Ë†source:ï ¼â€° With sales amount declining, R.J. Reynolds announced to introduce Uptown to seek new customers. Uptown is designed according to the black customers’ performance with lighter menthol and upside down filter. Uptown was charged for its misleading advertisement message brought more disease to a group with high smoking illness and mortality (Richard J, 1998). Although the plan of Uptown was cancelled because of the strong against of the social interest groups, the company’s segmentation strategy was implemented via other brands such as Dakota. Dakota targeted young female through the use of younger slim models and the advertisement slogan to mislead the young women smokers. Most of the targeted customers of Dakota were white female with high school degrees or blue-collar workers. They were so young to have good self-control awareness or the ability to judge true or false from the advertisement. And the company advocated Dakota as slim cigarettes and appealed the young female customers with misleading message. 2.2 Ethical Issues Related to PowerMaster PowerMaster is a malt liquor that drawn criticism from health organizations, which charged the company promoted the products to poor blacks and inner-city neighborhoods. According to the investigation of these organizations, alcohol was connected to many serious social problems, such as suicide and family violence. And the black men had a 40 percentage higher death of liver cancer than the white people (Bureau of National Affairs, 1991). (Source: III. Relevant Interactions and Connections of the Stakeholders There are eleven stakeholders involved in this case study. In the following part, I will use the stakeholder interaction model to identify the specific stakeholders and the relevant interactions and connections among them. And find how they think and value the ethical issues and their decision. The stakeholder interaction model (Source: Maignan, Ferrell and Ferrell, 2003) 3.1 Company (Management) Company: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (RJR); G. Heileman Brewing Co. Senior administrator: RJR’s CEO; RJR’s Marketing VP: Peter Hoult; Spokesperson; Marketing VP of Philip Morris Co. Both of the companies were under the heavy pressure to improve the marketing share of their products and create more profits to both the shareholders and employees. The business performance of the company will influence relationship with local government, community and suppliers. The senior administrators introduced the mew brand to customers, and explain the controversy from the perspective of the company. They provided and applied the segmentation marketing strategy and targeted at the vulnerable customers. They believed that the targeted customers have right to buy the products that fit their preference, the introduction of new products won’t change the whether they buy or not. Targeting at some special groups is just a tactic of marketing choice. 3.2 Customers They want the products that better need their needs, and the products are available in the right places with the right prices. The choice of customers will decide the company’s operating condition and employee’s welfare. And the employees produce the products and sell them to customers. Interest groups were looking forward to protecting the health of them. Customers pay tax to government; therefore, the government should make efforts to protect their legal interests. Customers have rights to buy alcohol and cigarettes, but some customers may mislead by the unethical strategy of the company and bring bad effect to themselves. 3.3 Government Senate; National Coalition; The government should be responsible for the citizen’s health, when the company introduce the harmful products to the customers and bring bad social impacts, the government can regulate and administrate the company through tax or laws. 3.4 Community In this case, the community leaders charged the promotion of alcoholic products of G. Heileman Brewing Company which are targeted at the black and Latino neighborhoods resulted in a series of social problems (Folt,1991). The Community provides the company with physical and social infrastructure that allows the company to do business. 3.5 Suppliers The suppliers are business partners of the companies, they want to maintain long-term and trusted relationships with the company. 3.6 Shareholders In this case, the shareholders were the people who bought the stocks of the R.J. Reynolds Company and G. Heileman Brewing Company. They were granted to get the profits of the enterprises in the form of dividends and they wanted to maximum their return on the investment. Shareholders also wanted the company to behavior ethically and gain good reputation, however; in some instance the stockholders’ strong desire to get profits may push the company conduct unethical marketing strategy in order to meet the commitments to the shareholders. 3.7 Employees The employees and shareholders mutually influenced each other, employees wanted to get reward consistent with their performance in the company. They brought economic profits to the stockholders, and they hoped their welfare could be improved as a return. Although employees of R.J. Reynolds and G. Heileman Brewing were not the direct business decision makers, they produced and sold the â€Å"unethical† cigarettes and alcohol to the vulnerable customers. And as a member of company, their welfare is related to whether the customers choose their products or not. When they loss the trust of customers they will also lose their own interests. 3.8 Special Interest Groups Public Health Organizationsï ¼Å¡Health and Human Services Secretary; The Women’s Tennis Association; Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Public Health officials (Louis W. Sullivan; Reed Tuckson; Surgeon; General Koop) They have activities against the company and give information to the customers via the mess media. They criticized the Tabaco and alcohol company giving misleading information to the venerable customers and exploited profit from the poor, young, black and Hispanics groups. The special interest groups try to stop the unethical business strategies of the companies through boycotts and giving public censure to the government agency in order to protect he customers from unhealthy habits and behavior. 3.9 Trade Associations The Beer Institute; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF); The trade organization is an organization in the same trade formed to further their collative interests. The relative Trade Associations has the power of giving approval of using the label and also has the rights to use the related policies and regulations within their industry to control the behavior of the enterprises. In this case, BATF pushed G. Heileman Brewing Company to drop the word â€Å"power†. 3.10 Competitors Philip Morris Co.; BAT Industries; Black Sunday; Crazy Horse; St Ides. The marketing shortage of the company’s competitors may give the decision maker some enlightenment. And the company may imitate competitors’ profitable products and transfer its attention to the new area, do research on the new products in order to compete with others. In the case, Philip Morris is the leading cigarette company provides young female smokers with the brand Marlboro. The strategy of Phillip Morris pushed R.J. Reynolds into targeting at young female customers. 3.11 Mess Media: The black oriented newspapers and magazines such as Jet and Ebony; Other media; Commentator of the media; New York Times; Beverage World; Fortune. The target marketing oriented media published alcoholic drinks and Tabaco advertisements to the customers, which may induce the prevalence of smoking. Other media reported on the protest against targeting at vulnerable customers. The Commentator of the media offered the customers with insightful analysis of the target marketing products and give suggestions to officials in the health organizations. IV: Rank the Stakeholder It is necessary to understand the relationships of all the stakeholders involved in the activity of the company or the interest groups. Having a good management of the relationships with each kind of stakeholder will be beneficial to the performance of that organization. The following two lists showing a rank of the stakeholders involved in the business activities of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and G. Heileman Brewing Company from the perspectives of the two companies and interest groups respectively. The shareholders hold the stocks of the company, in other words they can decide the company’s fate, and it’s the company’s obligation to maximize the stakeholders’ benefits, So R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and G. Heileman Brewing Company ranked their own shareholders in the most important place. Employees can provide research, manufacturing and sales services to the customers, their satisfaction of working conditions and welfares will influence their performance during the working period and then directly influence the company’s operating performance. Customers are usually regarded as the most important stakeholders. No company will operate well if it cannot persuade customers to buy its products. Therefore, both R.J. Reynolds and G. Heileman designed new brand products to the customers in order to increase their marketing share and get more profits. But they used wrong marketing segmentation strategies, and brought bad effects to the vulnerable gr oups that they are targeted at. 4.2 From the interest group’s perspective | | 1| Customers| 2| Community| 3| Mass Media| 4| Employees| 5| Government| 6| Trade Association| 7| Shareholders| 8| Suppliers| 9| Company| 10| Competitors| In this case, all the interest groups involved in are the noneconomic public health organizations such as Health and Human Services Secretary; The Women’s Tennis Association; Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and so on. These noneconomic interest groups seek the solutions of the public concerns and issues. They against the tobacco and alcohol companies targeted at some vulnerable customers, and sold harmful products to these customers with unethical ways. Therefore, from the interest group’s perspective, the interests of the customers should be ranked in the fist place. â€Å"The basic meaning of Community is a group of people living in the same locality and the same government † (Wikipedia). The ultimate objective of the interest groups is solving the social issues that they concerned and about and then improve the total living standards of the community. And the Community provides the company with physical and social infrastructure that allows the company to do business. Therefore, when a company was failed to exercise its obligations, the Community has the duty to interdict its unethical behavior (Patrick 2004). In the case, the boycott and other against activities of the interest groups are under the support and assistance of the mess media. The media not only gave the pressure to the unethical companies, but also showed right guidance of public opinion. V: Alternative Courses of Action and Recommendation 5.1 Alternative Courses of Action Recommendations for Company For R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and G. Heileman Brewing Company, they should rank the customers in the first order rather than their own interests. Although marketing segmentation is an useful strategy in some conditions, the marketers of the alcoholic and tobacco industry should not target at the groups who are vulnerable due to their disadvantages in income, knowledge, age, life circumstance and so on. The alcoholic makers should provide the obvious marks with the information of the content, serving size the macronutrients, and the hazard of over drinking. The companies should participate more in the charitable activities, help and sponsor the people who suffer from the bad disease may caused by their products in order to have a better implementation of social responsibility. 5.2 Alternative Courses of Action Recommendations for Interest Groups For the interest groups, they should help and training these vulnerable citizens directly with informative knowledge and cooperate with government rather than only criticizing the cigarettes and alcohol company. Cooperating with the government in order to better restrict unethical business strategies in alcoholic and tobacco industry. The government could use more methods to regulate and administrate the enterprise behavior through tax and law. Providing tobacco-use prevention courses in the school. The general awareness of the smoking harms health should be introduced since the primary school and reinforced in the high school in order to increase the successful rate of preventing tobacco for the young people. Encouraging the family members of the smoker or alcoholic drinker to persuade them giving up the unhealthy products or reduce the quantity of consumption. Reference Smith, N 1995, ‘Case Study: Uptown, Dakota, and PowerMaster’, Communication in Business: Internal and External, P54-58. Patrick, E, Gene, R, Norman, E Thomas, A 2004, Ethical marketing, Pearson Education, New Jersey. Grace, D Coken, S 2005, Business ethics: problems and cases, Oxford, New York. Fisher, C Lovell, A 2006, Business ethics and values: individual, corporate and international perspective ,Pearson Education, Harlow. Warner, K, Goldenhar, L1992, ‘Targeting of cigarette advertising in US markets’, Tobacco Control, vol.25, P30. Richard, J 1998, Life in a Business oriented society, Allyn and Bacon, Boston. Smith, C Martin, E 1997, ‘Ethics and target marketing: the role of product harm and consumer vulnerability’, Journal of Marketing, vol.61, P1-20.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Precursores De La Teoria De La Calidad

Precursores De La Teoria De La Calidad Antes de hablar de la calidad debemos referirnos a sus precursores y sobre todo al padre de la misma quien es W. Edward Deming, quien ha recibido numeroso reconocimientos entre ellos podemos hacer mencià ³n de la medalla Shewhart dela Soc. Americana de Control de Calidad en 1956. Desde muy pequeà ±o el Dr. W. Edward Deming aprendià ³ que las cosas que se hacen bien desde el principio siempre acaban bien. El estadista, educador y precursor dela Calidad Total W. Edward Deming, fue desconocido por muchos aà ±os por las corporaciones americanas, Deming viajo a Japà ³n en 1950 a la edad de 49 y pudo enseà ±ar a los administradores, ingenieros y cientà ­ficos Japoneses como podà ­an producir calidad. Luego de treinta aà ±os despuà ©s vio un documental en televisià ³n en la cadena NBC, titulado, â€Å"Si Japà ³n puede, porque nosotros no† y es a la sazà ³n donde corporaciones como Ford, General Motors y Dow Chemical, solo por mencionar algunas de las prestigiosas empresas que se dieron cuenta de lo que estaba atravesando y buscaron de inmediato la asesorà ­a del Dr. Deming. La vida del Dr. Deming se transformo por completo y se volvià ³ un torbellino de consultas y conferencias. La temprana vida de Edward Deming fue caracterizada por la carencia y el trabajo duro. Nacià ³ en Sioux City Iowa el 14 de octubre de 1900. Su padre, quien pedio una demanda judicial en Powell, siempre fue un abogado luchador, pero esto lo hizo que cambiara a toda la familia de dicha ciudad cuando Deming tenà ­a apenas siete aà ±os. Vivieron en una casa humilde donde el preocuparse por que seria su prà ³xima comida era parte de su rà ©gimen diario. Ampliamente cotizado luego que Deming compartià ³ sus ahora famosos â€Å"14 puntos† y â€Å"7 pecados mortales† con algunas de las corporaciones mà ¡s grandes de Amà ©rica. Sus patrones de calidad se convirtieron en sitios comunes en los libros de administracià ³n, y el premio Deming, otorgado por primera vez en Japà ³n pero ahora reconocido internacionalmente, es ahora buscado por algunas de las corporaciones mà ¡s grandes del mundo. Cuando Deming tenà ­a sus ocho aà ±os salià ³ a trabajar a un hotel local, Deming se fue de Powell a la edad de 17 hacia Laraman, ala Universidadde Wyoming donde realizo sus estudios de ingenierà ­a. Y luego recibià ³ un Ph. D en Fà ­sicas Matemà ¡ticas enla Universidadde Yale en 1927 donde al mismo tiempo fue empleado como profesor. Deming recibià ³ muchas ofertas en la industria privada pero tomà ³ un empleo donde trabajarà ­a para el Departamento de Agricultura en Washington, D.C. Fue acà ¡ donde Deming tuvo la dicha de conocer a su esposa, Lola Sharpe, con quien contrajo matrimonio en el 1932, y fue presentado con su guà ­a, Walter Shewhart, un estadà ­stico para Laboratorios Bell y sus escritos impactaron su vida y aquà ­ donde se convirtieron en la base de sus enseà ±anzas. Durantela Segunda GuerraMundial, Deming de dedico a enseà ±ar a los tà ©cnicos e ingenieros americanos estadà ­sticas para que pudieran mejorar la calidad de los materiales de guerra. Fue e n este trabajo en donde atrajo la atencià ³n de los japoneses. Luego de la guerra,la Unià ³n Japonesade Cientà ­ficos e Ingenieros buscà ³ a Deming. Y en julio de 1950, Deming se reunià ³ conla Unià ³nquien fue presentado con los administradores principales de las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as japonesas. Durante los treinta aà ±os siguientes, Deming dedicarà ­a todo su tiempo y esfuerzo a la enseà ±anza de los japoneses y de esta forma transformo su reputacià ³n en la produccià ³n de un motivo de risa a un motivo de admiracià ³n y elogio por las corporaciones. Es por esto que nos hacemos la siguiente pregunta  ¿Por quà © Deming fue todo un à ©xito en Japà ³n y desconocido por las corporaciones en Amà ©rica? Cuando Japà ³n estaba sumergido en una crisis en su economà ­a y en sus industrias le hicieron la invitacià ³n a Deming. Los Japoneses escucharon y cambiaron su forma de pensar, su estilo de como administrar, su trato a los empleados y se tomaron su tiempo. Tan solo c on seguir la filosofà ­a de Deming, los japoneses giraron al lado positivo su economà ­a y productividad por completo para dar paso y poder convertirse en los là ­deres del mercado mundial. Deming fue condecorado por el emperador Horohito con la medalla del Tesoro Sagrado de Japà ³n en su Segundo Grado por tan impresionante cambio que realizo. La mencià ³n decà ­a El pueblo de Japà ³n atribuyen el renacimiento de la industria Japonesa y su à ©xito mundial a Edward Deming No fue hasta la transmisià ³n del documental por NBC en Junio de 1980 donde se destaca el à ©xito industrial de Japà ³n que las corporaciones Americanas inician a prestar atencià ³n. Enfrentados por una produccià ³n decadente y costos increà ­blemente altos, los Presidentes de las corporaciones Americana iniciaron a consultar con Deming acerca de negocios. Se dieron cuanta que las tà ­picas soluciones rà ¡pidas y fà ¡ciles de las corporaciones Americanas ya no funcionaban. Los principios de Deming establecà ­an que mediante el uso de mediciones estadà ­sticas, una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a podrà ­a ser capaz de graficar como un sistema en particular estaba funcionando para luego desarrollar maneras para mejorar dicho sistema. A travà ©s de un proceso de transformacià ³n en avance, y siguiendo los Catorce Puntos y Siete Pecados Mortales, las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as estarà ­an en posicià ³n de mantenerse a la par con los constantes cambios del entorno econà ³mico. Obviamente, esto era mu cho mas largo, incluà ­a mas procesos de los que estaban acostumbrados las corporaciones Americanas; de aquà ­, la resistencia a las ideas de Deming. El Dr. Edward Deming estuvo disponible parala Amà ©rica corporativa para tà ©rminos de consulta y a individuales a travà ©s de sus escritos y tours de seminarios por los prà ³ximos trece aà ±os de su vida. En el 1993 murià ³, pero aun vive su trabajo. Sus Slogans de misià ³n, tales como el de Ford Calidad es el primer trabajo, son aun reconocidos en la industria; sus cursos empresariales son dictados aun usando sus principios como partes integrales del curriculum; y la abreviacià ³n TQM (Total Quality Management) es ampliamente conocido y comà ºnmente utilizado a travà ©s dela Amà ©rica corporativa. Kaoru Ishikawa Conocido como el gurà º de la calidad Kaoru Ishikawa, nacià ³ en la ciudad de Tokio, Japà ³n en el aà ±o de 1915, fue graduado dela Universidadde Tokio. Ishikawa y es hoy conocido como uno de los mà ¡s famosos gurà ºs de la calidad mundial. La teorà ­a de Ishikawa era manufacturar a bajo costo. Podemos encontrar dentro de su filosofà ­a de calidad que la calidad debe ser una revolucià ³n de la gerencia. El control de calidad es prà ¡cticamente desarrollar, diseà ±ar, manufacturar y mantener un producto de calidad. Algunos efectos dentro de empresas que se logran implementando el control de calidad son la reduccià ³n de precios, bajan los costos, se establece y mejora la tà ©cnica, entre otros. Kaoru Ishikawa tambià ©n dio a conocer al mundo sus siete herramientas bà ¡sicas para la calidad la cuales son: la grafica de pareto, el diagrama de causa efecto, la estratificacià ³n, la hoja de verificacià ³n, el histograma, el diagrama de dispersià ³n y la grafica de control de Schewhart. Podemos hacer mencià ³n de algunos de sus libros mà ¡s conocidos los cuales son: Que es el CTC, Guia de Control de calidad Herramientas de Control de Calidad. Kaoru Ishikawa en el Desarrollo dela Calidadnos dice que practicar el Control de Calidad (CTC) es desarrollar, diseà ±ar manufacturar y mantener un producto de calidad que sea el mà ¡s econà ³mico, el mà ¡s à ºtil y sobre todo el mà ¡s satisfactorio para el consumidor. En la Universidadde Tokio Ishikawa fue pedagogo y precursor de la Unià ³nof Japanese Scientists and Engineers (UJSE), la cual se ocupaba de promover la calidad dentro de Japà ³n mientras el ciclo de la post-guerra. Ishikawa inclusive durante gran parte de su vida originà ³ ideas revolucionarias de calidad. En el 1962, Ishikawa dio apertura a los ambientes de calidad en la Nippon Telegraph and Cable. Dando definicià ³n a los clientes como internos y externos de las organizaciones. Se puede decir que la carrera de Kaoru Ishikawa en algunas formas u otras es afà ­n a la historia econà ³mica del Japà ³n contemporà ¡neo. Ishikawa, en Japà ³n entero aprendieron sobre las bases del control de calidad estadà ­stico que los Americanos desplegaron. Pero como los logros econà ³micos del Japà ³n no son limitados a imitar productos extranjeros, los logros de calidad del Japà ³n e Ishikawa en particular van mas allà ¡ de la aplicacià ³n eficiente de ideas importadas. Es posible que la contribucià ³n mà ¡s importante de Ishikawa haya sido su rol en el desarrollo de una estrategia de calidad japonesa. La calidad para los Japoneses es parte de sus propias vidas, no solo la aplican de arriba a abajo en una empresa, sino que tambià ©n al producto, dentro del proceso de produccià ³n, tanto bajo el uso del cliente. Podemos decir que uno de los logros mà ¡s importantes de la vida de Kaoru Ishikawa fue contribuir al à ©xito de los ambientes de calidad. El diagrama de causa-efecto, habitualmente citado el diagrama de Ishikawa, posiblemente es el diagrama que lo hizo fundamentalmente conocido. Este diagrama ha manifestado ser una herramienta muy fuerte que puede ser simplemente utilizada para investigar y solucionar problemas, es tan simple que cualquier persona lo puede utilizar. A pesar que los ambientes de calidad se desplegaron primero en Japà ³n, se difundieron a mà ¡s de 50 paà ­ses, una expansià ³n que Ishikawa jamà ¡s se hubiera imaginado. Inicialmente, Ishikawa entendà ­a que los cà ­rculos dependà ­an de factores à ºnicos que se encontraban en la sociedad japonesa. Pero despuà ©s de ver cà ­rculos creà ¡ndose en Taiwà ¡n y Corea del Sur, à ©l teorizà ³ que los cà ­rculos de calidad pueden desarrollarse en cualquier paà ­s del mundo siempre y cuando dicho paà ­s utilizara el alfabeto Chino. El razonamiento de Ishikawa era que el alfabeto Chino, uno de los sistemas de escritura mà ¡s difà ­ciles pueden ser aprendidos solo con mucho estudio, el trabajo duro y el deseo de la educacià ³n en ese perà ­odo se hicieron sumamente importante en esos paà ­ses. Como parte del comità © para el premio Deming, Ishikawa impulso una auditoria implacable que establece cuales compaà ±Ãƒ ­as son aspirantes para el premio Deming. Dicha auditoria pretende la colaboracià ³n de los altos ejecutivos de la empresa. De acuerdo a Ishikawa el saber de la gente que la empresa es activa y se mueve hacia el perfeccionamiento es el mejor premio que el triunfador puede recibir.   

Frequency Response of Electrode Materials in EIS Measurement

Frequency Response of Electrode Materials in EIS Measurement Furthermore, complementary information about the frequency response of electrode materials is provided by EIS measurements and one can estimate the capacitance changes with the operating frequency.64-65 It is well know that the complex form of capacitance is dependent on frequency, which is defined as follow:66-67 (6) where C(ω) is the real part of the complex capacitance and C(ω) is the imaginary part of the complex capacitance C(ω) and they are expressed as formulas (7) and (8):66-67 (7) (8) where Z(ω) and Z(ω) are the respective real and imaginary part of the complex impedance Z(ω). ω is the angular frequency and it is given by ω =2Ï€f. At low frequency, C(ω) corresponds to the capacitance of the electrode material and C(ω) is ascribed to the energy dissipation by an irreversible process that leads to a hysteresis.66-67 Fig. 15 shows the real and imaginary part capacitance as a function of frequency for Li-POAP/ERG/GC, POAP/ERG/GC and ERG/GC electrodes. It can be clearly observed that C(ω) gradually decrease with the increase of scan rates for each electrode as shown in Fig. 12F, however, the Li-POAP/ERG/GC electrode exhibits slow deterioration of capacitance due to fast ion diffusion and transport (Fig. 15A). In addition, the C(ω) of the Li-POAP/ERG/GC electrode approaches saturation at a frequency below ~ 0.01 Hz whereas the C(ω) of POAP/ERG/GC electrode does not show any sign of saturation as low as 0.01 Hz, indicating slow diffusion of electrolyte ions (Figs. 15A and B). Importantly, the relaxation time constant (Ï„0), which is also known as the dielectric relaxation time of the supercapacitor,66, 68 is a figure of merit of a supercapacitor. This parameter represents one of its discharge characteristics. It has been studied for each electrode based on the analysis of complex capacitance. The relaxation time constant, Ï„0 (=1/2Ï€f0) can be calculated from the plots of C(ω) and C(ω) vs. frequency. From the frequency corresponding to the half of the maximum value of C(ω), the relaxation time constant (Ï„0) can be determined. The change in the imaginary part of the complex capacitance C(ω) with frequency goes through a maximum at a frequency, f0, from which the value of Ï„0 can be calculated. From Figs. 15A and B, it can be noted that the Li-POAP/ERG/GC electrode shows a clear peak formation while the POAP/ERG/GC electrode has not reached the maximum even at the lowest frequ ency used in this study. The f0 value of Li-POAP/ERG nanocomposite is 3.98Ãâ€"10-2 Hz, corresponding to the characteristic relaxation time constant Ï„0 = 3998 ms, which is much lower than that of POAP/ERG nanocomposite, revealing fast accessibility of the electrolyte ions for the former nanocomposite. The smaller Ï„0 of the nanocomposite correlates with the better capacitance retention at high scan rates in the CV measurements. Therefore, lithium intercalated POAP/ERG nanocomposite is a potential promising electrode material for delivering high power and energy. In addition, investigation of the complex capacitance form of the ERG/GC electrode reveals that the C'(ω) of this electrode approaches saturation at a frequency below 15.8 Hz, which means that equilibrium ion adsorption can be achieved in 63.3 ms, suggesting most of the electrolyte ions reach the adsorption sites (Fig. 15C). In comparison to Li-POAP/ERG/GC electrode, the smaller value of relaxation time constant ( Ï„0 = 2.5 ms) correlates with very ultra-fast accessibility of the electrolyte ions for the ERG/GC electrode and the better capacitance retention at high scan rates in the CV measurements which is in good agreement with results obtained from cyclic voltammetric measurements (Fig. 12F, green line). In order to investigate the effects of different types of anions on the specific capacitance of POAP/ERG nanocomposite, the modification of the ERG/GC electrodes has been carried out in different acidic solutions containing HNO3, HClO4 and HCl and corresponding lithium salts as supporting electrolyte and subsequently, have been evaluated in the corresponding monomer free solutions. The cyclic voltammograms of the modified electrodes in presence of different anions are shown in Fig. 16A. Qualitative analysis of total charges associated with the voltammograms recorded in the presence of different anions reveals that the specific capacitance for anions decreases in the direction of K+. In addition, the values of specific capacitance derived from the cyclic voltammetric (Fig. 16D) and impedance spectroscopic measurements (Figs. 16E and F) do indeed coincide as tabulated in Table 3. Although one can expect the smaller size of Li+ ion to provide facile insertion/expulsion to/from the elec troactive film, the greater specific capacitance has been obtained in the presence of Na+. As for studied anions, it has been noted that the trends in direction of ionic mobility and ionic radius are going the same way.69-70 Possessing the greatest mobility and the smallest radius have led to estimation of the greater specific capacitance would be obtained as a consequence of more being intercalated into the POAP/ERG nanocomposite, which is in good agreement with experimental results. On the contrary, the trends in ionic mobility 69 and ionic radius 71 contrast with those in hydration enthalpy 70 and hydration number 71 for the studied cations. These inconsistencies have hindered prediction of which cation would be incorporated into the POAP/ERG nanocomposite easily. The obtained specific capacitance values (Table 3) decrease in the order of Na+ > Li+ > K+ which confirms the facile incorporation of Na+ into the POAP/ERG is more than likely. Along the lines of evaluating of effects of different types of cations and anions on the POAP/ERG nanocomposite, we have examined the extent to which the incorporation of different cations and anions has affected each of components of the POAP/ERG nanocomposite. In this case, ERG/GC electrodes have been investigated in different solutions containing different cations and anions. The capacitive behavior of ERG/GC electrodes in the presence of different cations and anions have been evaluated at 50 mV s-1 as shown in Figs. 17A and B, respectively. The electrodes have presented negligible difference in their current response while have shown typical rectangular shape indicating an excellent capacitive behavior. Therefore, it can be concluded that graphene sheets in the POAP/ERG nanocomposite act as numerous ion-buffering reservoirs and provide for ions shortened diffusion path into the composite which results in the superior electrochemical performance of the nanocomposite.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Do the names Chaucer, Webster, or Dickens ring any bells? They are only a few of the greatest English poets, playwrights, and novelists of all time! Their writings have influenced many poets and novelists over the years and still influence new authors today. One of the most influential authors in English literature is Geoffrey Chaucer, whom many thought of as â€Å"the greatest English poet of the Middle ages†. Chaucer is known for Troilus and Criseyde, The Book of Duchess, and The Canterbury Tales. Troilus and Criseyde, tells the tragic story of the Trojan prince Troilus, falling in love with Criseyde. With the help of Pandarus, her uncle, Troilus wins Criseyde’s heart. Calchas, Criseyde’s father, persuades the Greeks to release Antenor, a prisoner of war, in exchange for his daughter. Troilus tells Criseyde he wants to elope, but instead Criseyde promises to return in ten days. Upon arriving with the Greeks, she soon realizes she won’t be able to keep her promise and decides to accept Diomedes, the Greek warrior and king, as her new lover. Another acclaimed work of Chaucer’s is The Boo...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting the Movie and Natalie Babbitts Book Entitled

Do you know a book called Tuck Everlasting which is written by Natalie Babbitt existed in this world? It is a very interesting novel with a very sad ending. It’s a story about a girl, who discovered a very dangerous secret about a particular spring water. When you drink the water, it makes you immortal. A movie on this book was produced later on. Things change when you have to audition something that is written. And so, the movie Tuck Everlasting was very different from the book Tuck Everlasting. Winnie Foster, a ten-year-old girl, discovered a very dangerous secret about the spring water in the woods her parents owned. She found out that if the spring water is drunk, it makes one immortal. Winnie didn’t understand what it was like being immortal, until she met the Tucks, who had drunk from the spring water and had become immortal. She wanted to be immortal too, but they talked her out of it, except for Jesse Tuck. Jesse and Winnie liked each other very much. Jesse wanted Winnie to drink the spring water so that she could be immortal and could live with him forever. Jesse told her to drink the spring water when she gets a little older because Winnie was too young to drink it now. Winnie agreed. But in the movie, she turned out to be a fifteen-year-old young adult. So Winnie didn’t need to wait to drink the spring water. It was very surprising to see Winnie as a teenager when we all imagined her being a little kid. Because she was a little girl in the book, immortality was the main thing that was going on. But she was about fifteen years old in the movie, which changed the whole meaning of the book Tuck Everlasting. A movie which was supposed to be about immortality was turned into a romantic film. Winnie Foster and Jesse Tuck ... ...head. When he got to the Tucks house, he told them that he was taking Winnie away and that he bought the Fosters’ woods. Mae was so angry that she killed him. The constable arrived, just in time to see Mae doing that. So, in the book, Mae got into jail but in the movie, both Mae and her husband, Angus, got into jail. Winnie wanted to help them get out of jail. She succeeded in freeing them but used different methods for the book and the movie. So in the book, Mae got into jail but in the movie, both Mae and her husband, Angus, got into jail. Winnie helped them get out of jail but used different methods to free them. I like the reading book better than watching the movie because there are more facts in the book than the movie. Maybe I just like reading books better than watching movies. That’s my opinion. What’s yours (if you’ve read the book and seen the movie)?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fairy Tale Icons in Morrisons Tar Baby and Monteros Te Tratare como a

Deconstructing Fairy Tale Icons in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby and Rosa Montero's Te Tratare como a una reina ABSTRACT In this study I will examine how, from a feminist perspective, both Toni Morrison's fourth African-American novel, Tar Baby (1981), and Rosa Montero's third post-Franco Spanish novel, Te tratarà © como a una reina (1983), explore the problems that arise when women believe that they are the stereotypes permeating literature. Both women writers employ similar techniques that subvert and deconstruct the stereotypical roles of men and women, unveiling the fairy tale icons of the heroine and the hero that have been masquerading as "real" people. ESSAY Day and night are mingled in our gazesÃ…   If we divide light from night, we give up the lightness of our mixtureÃ…   We put ourselves into water tight compartments, break ourselves up into parts, cut ourselves in twoÃ…   we are always one and the other, at the same time. -Luce Irigaray1 In 1975 the death of Franco and forty years of dictatorship and censorship offered Spanish women the freedom to reexamine their identity and question their role in a patriarchal society. At the same time on another continent, African-American women are also struggling to find their identity among the numerous American literary images that, until the 20th-century, had not realistically represented their gender or race. Notwithstanding the different histories, geographies, and ethnicities between African-American and Spanish women, a common thread that appears to bind them is their inheritance of a legacy of struggle against the internalization of controlling patriarchal perceptions and images of women that lead them to believe that they are, indeed, the stereoty... ...997. Montero, Rosa. Te tratarà © como a una reina. 1983. Barcelona: Seix Barral. 1990. Morrison, Toni. Tar Baby. 1981.New York: Plume, 1982. NOTES 1 Luce Irigaray, This Sex Which Is Not One (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985) 217. 2 Critics have noted that what I call "multiple interpretations" and binary oppositions are characteristic of Morrison's works. 3 Trudier Harris, Fiction and Folklore: The Novels of Toni Morrison (Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1991) 116. 4 On the Sea Bird II he thinks of "women" (6), later with the same contextual references he thinks of "fat black ladies" (119). 5 This and all subsequent translations are mine. 6 Racial stereotyping, also defined in fairy tale motifs, suggest that Son is a "frog" when his African-American hair is in its natural state and a "prince" when he conforms to the grooming norms of the white culture.

Simulated business: JKL Industries Essay

Business and strategic planning Mission JKL Industries is an Australian owned company selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry. We deliver value to customers and investors through our highly trained, motivated, and expert workforce. Vision JKL Industries believes in developing and unlocking the potential of its people to allow the company to become the leading supplier of forklifts, small, medium and large trucks in Australia. Company values Performance excellence Value for investors, customers and employees Personal and professional development Diversity Sustainability. Strategic planning Goals Strategic objectives Operational objectives Provide value to investors and owners Increase overall profitability by 10% over next three years Reduce costs through negotiations with suppliers Reduce costs through HR management efficiencies Increase revenue through providing increased customer value Exit underperforming markets; JKL will withdraw from the rental market and close the rental division within the next 18 months HR partners with business to help business achieve financial goals HR completes scan of external conditions and market/industry forces impacting competitiveness and capability development Provide value to customers JKL will continue to sell and service forklifts and expand their market share by 7% within the next 12–18 months Provide quality customer service JKL will expand existing branches to include the sale of medium and large trucks within 18 months HR partners with business to help business meet customer needs HR partners with front line managers to help them meet the needs of customers through motivated, competent and well- equipped staff Develop human potential Provide required training Deliver training to upskill rental employees Recruit Conduct skills audits and needs analysis for all roles to be filled by recruitment strategy Become an employer of choice Provide personal development plans for all employees Provide best in industry programs incentives and HR services Manage performance and adherence to organisational values Complete twice-yearly performance reviews Communicate organisational values and code of conduct Continuously improve operations and management efficiency Monitor performance in all areas of strategy and operational efficiency Monitor management inputs such as completion of reporting and coaching requirements Monitor stock turns of forklifts, trucks, etc. Monitor HR service delivery efficiency Operational plan JKL intends to implement operational plans to realise strategic objectives. Key aspects to operations include human resources, performance management, physical and financial resources and workflow. Human resources The organisation is currently using a HR business partner model with a human resources officer aligned to each of the three key business areas: Sales, fleet rentals, and service. JKL employees over 190 personnel in the following categories as demonstrated in the organisation chart below. The Managing Director reports to a board of directors and is based in the Sydney corporate office, along with the Operations Manager, HR Department and the Finance and Administration team. The HR Manager reports to the operations manager and heads up the HR centres of excellence that include recruitment, learning and development, and employee relations and services. In each of the state-based sites there is a branch office consisting of an office building, warehouse, service department and sales office. The Human Resources Officers (Business Partners) report to both the HR Manager at Head Office and their respective managers in the branches. A summary of human resources at each location appears below: Sydney head office Personnel: 30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (8 sales consultants; 8 retail sales consultants; 5 mechanics; 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers; 3 administrative assistants Accounts Manager and 2 accountants senior management team (3) + one Branch Manager (Operations Manager, HR Manager, Finance and Administration Manager CEO and managing directors. Branches Each branch employs the following personnel: 30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (8 sales consultants; 8 retail sales consultants; 5 mechanics; 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers; 3 administrative assistants Branch Manager. Office requirements Sydney Head office Size: 15,000 square metres (~70% space available for sales and rentals; ~25 available for servicing) Large mezzanine office space (occupied by Senior Management Team). Loading bay with large capacity. Branches Average Size: 12,000 square metres (~70% space available for sales and rentals; ~25 available for servicing) Large mezzanine open-plan office space with separate access (was previously rented out to a telemarketing company) Loading bay with large capacity. Operating capital requirements JKL requires approximately 13 million dollars in working capital to sustain the business and ensure it meets all opening and ongoing financial obligations. Operational expenses Wages, salaries $6,000,000 Consultancy fees $150,000 Communication expenses $120,000 Marketing $2,400,000 Premises expenses $3,000,000 Insurance $356,000 Depreciation and amortisation $540,000 Office supplies $180,000 Training $180,000 Total Expenses $12,926,000 Insurance requirements JKL will have to incur costs for business liability insurance. The estimated cost for this requirement is $356,000 per year. Operational workflow Sales 1. Negotiate with suppliers. 2. Receive and warehouse products. 3. Provide service and information to customers. 4. Receive payment. 5. Arrange delivery of items (if required). Rentals 1. Conduct market research to determine needs. 2. Negotiate with suppliers. 3. Receive and warehouse rental products. 4. Provide service and information to rental customers. 5. Receive payment. 6. Arrange delivery of items (if required). Service 1. Conduct market research to determine needs. 2. Negotiate with suppliers. 3. Receive and warehouse service supplies. 4. Provide service and information to service customers. 5. Receive payment. JKL accepts cash, EFTPOS and major credit cards. Credit terms are available for trades. Operating hours JKL operates Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. JKL will be operational year‑round except federal and state holidays (as they apply to each branch). JKL policies and procedures JKL has a number of policies and procedures to support its core values and to ensure compliance with legislative requirements. Code of conduct JKL Industries acknowledges its role as a responsible corporate citizen. JKL’s success will result not simply from satisfying specific equipment needs for a quality product at reasonable prices, but from conducting its business with integrity and in accordance with the core values of the organisation. Employees and officers of JKL are expected to: Respect and support the core values of the organisation: Performance excellence Value for investors, customers and employees Personal and professional development Diversity Sustainability Respect others and treat others (colleagues, managers, reports, clients, customers and organisational stakeholders) with fairness Act in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and industry codes of practice Act honestly to protect the reputation of JKL; avoid the fact or appearance of conflict of interest Protect the privacy of others in accordance with organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies. Legislative requirements It is company policy to comply in all respects with local/state/federal government legislation. The relevant legislation that needs to be complied with includes: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Fair Work Act 2009 Freedom of Information Act 1982 Privacy Act 1988 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 State and territory health and safety legislation JKL’s policy of compliance with legislation requires each employee to understand the legislation relevant to their position. Managers and employees of JKL are expected to conduct their operations in a manner consistent with all relevant legislation. Relevant legislation is available for reference through senior management, HR or via access to the internet. State legislation and summary notes are accessed on state government websites. A guide to accessing federal and state legislation, court decisions, key national and state bodies and research tools is available at: Parliament of Australia, ‘Key internet links on Australian law’, viewed January 2014, . Health, safety and rehabilitation policy The purpose of this policy is to state the organisation’s commitment to reducing and managing health and safety risks, and delivering workers’ compensation and rehabilitation and first aid training. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Applicable legislation includes: Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cwlth) Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) state health and safety Acts that apply to each branch (check your state’s legislation) Workers’ Compensation Act 1987 (NSW) Workplace Injury Management and Workers’ Compensation Act 1988 (NSW). The JKL health, safety and rehabilitation policy are displayed in all work locations. JKL’s commitment to the work health and safety is further detailed as part of the JKL Work Health and Safety Management Standards. Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying policy The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to the elimination of all forms of bullying and harassment in the workplace. All employees have the right to conduct their work within a fair, supportive, high-performance environment. Harassment, victimisation and bullying in the workplace are illegal and such actions are not tolerated by JKL. Staff members found to be harassing or bullying other members of staff or customers will face disciplinary action ranging from counselling and performance management to summary dismissal. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to: Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policy The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to  the fair treatment of all personnel and customers. JKL Industries values the diversity of its team, clients and communities and respects the rights of individuals and groups to operate in an environment free of discrimination. Access and equity (diversity and anti-discrimination) is fundamental to the operations of JKL. It is embedded in policies, practices and forward planning. JKL recognises the importance of diversity in achieving our vision. JKL understands the business environment and actively assists customers to reach their optimum potential. Our primary objective is to be solution-oriented and focused on customer needs. JKL recognises that valuing diversity is pivotal to achieving its vision. A welcoming, supportive environment will be provided leading to positive learning and employment, and individuals having the opportunity to reach their optimum potential. At JKL, anyone engaged in employment or the provision or receipt of training and/or services has the right to operate in an environment that is free from discrimination on the grounds of: age; breastfeeding; disability; industrial activity; lawful sexual activity; marital status; physical features; political belief or activity; pregnancy; race; religious belief or activity; sex; gender identity; sexual orientation; parental or carer status; employment activity; or personal association with any individuals with these characteristics. Procedures are in place for handling any grievances including complaints of discrimination, unfair treatment or harassment. Complaints will be taken seriously and every effort will be made to resolve them quickly, impartially, empathically and with appropriate confidentiality. Victimisation of complainant/s and witness/es is illegal. Complaints may also be lodged with a relevant government agency or regulatory body. This policy applies to all officers, em ployees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to: Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). JKL is committed to upholding affirmative action, equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation. This legislation is detailed at: ‘Legislation’, Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, viewed January 2014, . Privacy policy The purpose of this policy is to outline JKL’s commitment to protecting the right to privacy of both employees and customers. Customer information is treated under the following rules. 1. Collection Organisations must ensure that individuals are aware their personal information is being collected, why, who it might be passed on to and that they can ask the organisation what personal information it holds about them. 2. Use Personal information may not be collected unless it is necessary for an organisation’s activities and must only be used for the purpose it was collected. 3. Data quality Organisations must take steps to ensure that the personal information they collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date. 4. Data security An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 5. Openness An organisation must have a policy document outlining its information handling practices and make this available to anyone who asks. 6. Access and correction Generally, an organisation must give an individual access to personal information it holds about the individual on request. 7. Identifiers Generally, an organisation must not adopt, use or disclose an identifier that has been assigned by a Commonwealth government agency. 8. Anonymity Organisations must give people the option to interact anonymously whenever it is lawful and practicable to do so 9. Transborder data flows An organisation can only transfer personal information to a recipient in a foreign country in circumstances where the information will have appropriate protection. 10. Sensitive information Sensitive information (such as about someone’s health, political opinions or sexual preference), may only be collected with the consent of the individual (unless a public interest exception applies). JKL takes care to respect  employees to privacy and fully complies with our obligations under relevant legislation. Employee records are exempt from the Privacy Act. Records include: employee records and personnel files referee reports workplace surveillance and monitoring. Although such records are exempt from the Privacy Act, JKL commits to protecting the privacy of employees through: providing access to own records where available or practicable for correction undertaking not to pass on data to others or external parties except for the strict purposes of undertaking JKL business or without express permission. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to: Privacy Act 1988 Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. Recordkeeping policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the organisation’s approach to recordkeeping. At JKL, records management systems are based on developing and implementing recordkeeping policies, procedures, and practices to meet the operational needs of the organisation and that comply with externally imposed standards such as legislation. Implementation strategies for recordkeeping systems include: ensuring the system to meets all of the operational and strategic needs of JKL documenting the system (see procedures) training personnel to create and store records setting standards for recordkeeping and monitoring the use of systems ensuring all legislative requirements are met, including for retention periods. JKL adheres to the Australian and international standard for recordkeeping, AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records Management. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to: Privacy Act 1988 anti-discrimination legislation. Recordkeeping procedures File management Create a personal subfolder within the server (using your name as the subfolder name) to hold your day-to-day working files. Do not store company data on your C: drive (i.e. do not save work only to your computer, rather than to the network) unless absolutely necessary. Company data should be stored in the appropriate server drive. Unlike the servers which are backed up automatically, data on your own computer is not backed up and your work may be lost if you experience a system crash. If you use a laptop and require access to files offsite, you will be set up with remote access to server files away from the office. When documents are completed, they should be saved to the appropriate ‘completed work’ folder in your department. Filenames Filename should include authors last name, title of report (or abbreviated title of report), and date of submission. Back-ups  Back-up copies of all electronic files on the server are made twice weekly. If you spend an extended time away from the office network using a laptop, it is your responsibility to ensure local copies of company files are backed up. Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeships policy The purpose of this policy is to underscore JKL’s commitment to developing workforce capability and developing its people. JKL is committed to providing young and new graduates in gaining employment in the industry. Apprentices and trainees are rostered on each shift with at least one vocationally competent person who supervises the apprentice/trainee’s work and performance of duties. JKL directs all clients to the relevant guide to apprenticeships and traineeships and the relevant government websites. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Performance management policy The purpose of this policy is to underscore JKL’s commitment to monitoring performance, developing workforce capability and developing its people. Performance reviews should be held twice yearly by managers. Performance  should be monitored against agreed KPIs and feedback provided on a regular basis. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to: Privacy Act 1988 anti-discrimination legislation equal employment opportunity legislation.