Monday, September 30, 2019

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay

The purpose of this paper is to organize a speech that will be provided to a number of reporters that are not knowledgeable with economics. In this paper I will put importance on international trade and foreign exchange rates and how those affect the GDP, domestic markets, and students. I will also outline some of the benefits on goods and services that are imported from other countries and how those contribute to our economy in the United States. What happens when there is a surplus of imports brought into the US? When there is a surplus of a product imported into the US, it drives the prices of that particular product down. The reason it drives the prices down is because the owner of the product gets to a point where they need to clear out inventory so they sell it at a price lower than originally expected. These companies will go as far as taking a loss on the product just to clear the inventory. This surplus is a plus for the consumer. (Armadeo, 2013) Car dealerships are a prime example of companies that clean out old inventory at a reduced price. They run end of year specials that are hard to beat. One dealership had a Chevrolet Malibu for $22,110. The end of year pricing deal they offered was $3000 cash back or 0% interest on a 60 month loan. When deciding which offer is the best, a person must first look at what the percentage of interest is that they would be paying on top of the loan amount. (Mello, 2012) What are the effects of international trade to GDP, domestic markets and university students? The international trade effect on the GDP depends on if it is a surplus or deficit. If the imports are lower than exports this will have a positive effect on the GDP, domestic markets, and university students. A positive effect in the GDP increases the job market. This in turn increases money into the economy and increases sales in the local markets. This also helps the university student find a job to help finance their education. This also allows them to buy supplies for school cheaper, for example, the price of computers become lower when there is a positive effect on all these things. International trade increases options for the consumer to choose from, therefore the price on these items are more competitive. Negative effects will do the complete opposite. (McTeer, 2008) How do government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and trade? Simply put, tariffs are taxes the government imposes on imports. Quotas are numerical limits set by the same government imposed on the same imports. If the country imposing the tariffs and quotas set the tariff too high then this could cause future issues between the two countries. If a country wants to have a good relationship with a country they will impose lower tariffs. (â€Å"The Basics of Tariffs and Trade Barriers†, 2011) What are foreign exchange rates? How are they determined? A foreign exchange rate is the cost of converting different currencies. For example, if the foreign exchange rate for the euro is 100=$1 then 100 euros equals $1. If it costs 125 euros to exchange for $1, then the euro is not as profitable as the dollar. Exchange rates are generated by the volume of currencies acquired and sold. â€Å"Though they are affected in both the short term and long term by innumerable factors, currency supply and demand will always, ultimately, determine currency prices in the foreign exchange markets† (Sisson, 2012). Why doesn’t the U.S. simply restrict all goods coming in from China? Why can’t the U.S. just minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries? If the United States were to restrict all goods coming in from China it would negatively affect our relationship with them. The United States is majorly in debt to China. Upsetting them could cause them to call in all our loans. It will also affect the profitability of China’s investments and their supply in which American companies are operating. The United States cannot decrease the amount of goods coming in from other countries because it would have a huge impact on employment and the cost of items in this country. A variety of items cause them to have more competitive pricing. When you do not have people working, there is less money to be spent back into the economy. All of these reasons greatly impact the United States economy. The United States needs to trade with countries with more promising tariffs and quotas, and try to keep things fair between imports and exports to help promote a better GDP. References Mello, T. B. (2012). Sweet year-end deals available on some popular cars. Retrieved from Armadeo, K. (2013). The US Trade Deficit. Retrieved from McTeer, B. (2008). The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Economy. Retrieved from The Basics of Tariffs and Trade Barriers. (2011). Retrieved from Sisson, N. (2012). ehowmoney. Retrieved from Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics. : McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding and ‘The Withered’ Arm by Thomas Hardy Essay

Describe how evil is presented in ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding and ‘The Withered’ Arm by Thomas Hardy. Lord of the flies is a story that begins in the after a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean during an unnamed war in which a group of English schoolboys are isolated on what they assume to be an island, under no adult supervision they are left to ‘defend for themselves’ create their own friendships and fight their own battles. As the story unfolds the boys develop a miniature society in which they try to include rules and order, but, each with their own ideas of right and wrong and sometimes totally different priorities, difficulties inevitably arise, their little community collapses and the boys are thrown into a world of hurt and fear. There were three main characters in this story, which affected the entire group and how they behaved. Jack began as the arrogant and self – righteous leader of the tribe. There was Piggy, who in no doubt an intelligent, practical and a sensible thinker. He is the mouthpiece of science and reason on the island, and is a good planner who can think logically and prioritise things which was carefully ordained by Ralph who was an organised person, sensible and had a quite a bit of knowledge on survival. In the story we see the true evil that outcome from these boys. In the following paragraphs I am going to describe the horror that was used by William Golding in his novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†. The first signs of evil emerging from the boys appeared when Jack and his hunters killed a pig and re-enacted the killing. In the process people were injured and the chanting that became a ritual began at this time. Although Jack’s ambition to kill a pig had been fulfilled, he now had a taste of the glory and sense of power. This meant that he was by no means satisfied to have killed one pig, but would instead continue to do so. It is significant that Jack felt it was necessary to kill pigs, seeing that there was a large number of people on the island. It is important to note how much the boys manage to achieve before their inner evil destroy their senses of responsibility and reason, that is, before the boys finally come to savagery and violence. They discover fire, they build shelters, they explore the island, they go on hunting trips, and they delegate social responsibilities. Initially, one would be inclined to think that Jack’s leadership is a poor one as he relies on brute strength. However, Jack is clever enough to know that the boys’ survival is as important as rescue. Food has to be hunted for nutritional needs (which Ralph tries to deny). â€Å"Are there ghosts, Piggy, or beasts?† Ralph seems to depend on Piggy quite a lot like an adult to guide him the way, but the mistake that Ralph does not see is that Piggy is not an adult. This is a clever technique used by Golding as he is building up the tension and the readers will be urged to read on. Another significant event took place during the killing of the pig, the hunters let the fire out, and there was open violence from Jack, when Jack was confronted by Piggy, Jack swung at Piggy and broke one of his lens off his glasses which was an important piece of equipment, as the glasses, meant they could have a fire which enables them to be rescued. This illustrates how Jack was being overcome by his evil inside him. The Lord of the Flies is represented in the form of a pig’s head on a stick, which appeared to speak to Simon in the forest, while he was experiencing one of his epileptic fits. Golding uses this to show that the evil on this island has come from within the boys themselves. Simon then climbed the mountain and discovered that the swaying beast was in fact a dead pilot. This is gone far enough. My poor misguided child. Do you think you know better then I do?'† Simon thinks of the pigs head (The Lord Of The Flies) as the symbol of their descent from civilized behaviour to animalistic savagery. It is because of the pigs head that Simon realizes that nature can be brutal and horrifying, an idea that clashes with his previous love of nature and the spirituality inbuilt in it. Simon frames nature in terms of its how like Eden it is, but the Lord of the Flies is a challenge of that view. Most importantly of all, Golding reveals that there is indeed a better side to man’s nature through his character, Simon. Throughout the novel, Simon is portrayed as a Christ-like figure and a saint. Unfortunately, it was at this point where the evil came out among all of the boys, as Simon was mistaken for the beast and the boys were all overcome by the evil inside them and the ritual begun once again as it did with the pig and Simon was brutally killed in disguise of the beast. In this part of the novel we see that evil has overcome the boys and there is no longer any structure at all left within the boys. Following Simon’s death it becomes clear that none of the tribe would accept that they had become evil and had just sabotaged a human being, but Ralph on the other hand could see what they had become and confronted Piggy saying â€Å"that was murder†, Piggy knew what had happened but tried to hide it by coming up with lame excuses like â€Å"it was dark†. Ralph had learned from this and controlled the evil inside him. When Piggy got his glasses stole by the other tribe Ralph and Piggy knew that they had lost all their power. So the only way to regain that power would be to get Piggy’s glasses back. Unfortunately this lead to more hatred when the two tribes started to argue and it was obvious that Jacks tribe had the most power and during this argument Roger decided to push a Rock onto Piggy leaving him dead, which shows that Jacks tribe was just pure evil and had no other thoughts than to kill. Towards the end of the novel Ralph was hunted down like a wild animal and the imagery Golding uses in this final chapter describes a world where insanity and evil rule. It is even possible that the boys now saw Ralph as the beast, which is why they hunted him down. Secondly, although all the boys were hunting Ralph to kill him, most of them probably did not realise what they were doing or why. This is because Jack had influenced their minds and half of them probably saw killing Ralph as a game. In view of the fact that Ralph was being hunted down by everyone on the island, we must accept that he would have been killed had it not been for the arrival of the Navy officer. It must be noted that Golding does not choose to allow Ralph to be killed. This could be because he does not wish to allow evil to win. The real message that Golding is trying to send out is if we have no rules or boundaries then we will behave like animals do so anything can be done, in this case killing has become a hobby. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Golding suggests that once man is freed from social conditioning and obligation, the intrinsic sense of evil will be revealed in him. He destroys the optimistic view of human nature by showing how even the most innocent of all – children can deteriorate into primitive savages once freed from the trappings of society. The actual storyline was pretty lame because a bunch of children just happened to crash on an island stranded, they all have a big tribunal war, people die, then the Ralph is in trouble and some navy guy appears and saves Ralph. This story was a bit too predictable, but the descriptive text in this novel is fascinating and keeps you reading. The withered arm is a pre-20th Century, short story. It is full of supernatural elements and coincidences. The story involves the characters Rhoda, a jealous middle-aged woman who has a son by farmer Lodge. Farmer Lodge has just married a young, beautiful woman called Gertrude. Rhoda being a jealous woman unconsciously conjures up an evil incubus. This causes Gertrude’s arm to weather, she tries all the cures she knows off, but resorts to using the supernatural to heal it. This leads to a dramatic ending. Right at the beginning of the story we are in suspense because there is much speculation about the new bride. At the beginning of the story it is thought that Rhoda and Gertrude are rivals, as they have both had a relationship with farmer lodge. They occupy traditional roles in the story; Rhoda is the older neglected lover with her looks fading. Gertrude is the young, beautiful blooming new wife. Age, beauty, status and social class divide them. Rhoda is extremely jealous of Gertrude we know this because she sends her son to spy on the new wife: ‘see if she is dark’ Her jealousy is what leads to the first element of the supernatural, which is her nightmare. Stricken with jealousy, her subconscious thoughts surface in her sleep as she innocently dreams of grabbing Gertrude’s arm ‘in a last desperate effort, swung out her right hand, seized the confronting spectre by its obtrusive left arm.’ Rhoda’s first reaction to Gertrude is of horror and fear. In her dream, she sees Mrs. Lodge as a figure ‘with features shockingly distorted and wrinkled by old age.’ Hardy uses simple diction to convey the horror of the nightmare. He also uses emotive language like ‘maddened’ and ‘mockingly’. Rhoda’s nightmare can be explained as coincidence, as a physical manifestation of the girl’s unconscious awareness of the situation. Rhoda’s dream creates suspense and words such as phantom keep it going. The next morning we learn that the dream was real as her son asks: ‘what was that noise in your chimmer, mother last night. Did you fall out of bed around two o’clock?’ The developing relationship between the two women has elements of the macabre. Rhoda often asks to see the wound, and seems fascinated by the clear indication of the marks of four fingers. Gertrude relies on Rhoda for a sympathetic understanding of the growing estrangement between herself and her husband, who ‘knows the disfigurement is there’. The choice of the word ‘disfigurement’ reveals his attitude to appearances. As the arm is getting worst and she has visited a doctor who cannot help her, she becomes increasing desperate for a cure as her husband is starting to love her less. She turns to Rhoda to take her to see Trendle much to her dismay. Rhoda fears for the loss of a good friendship. Trendle is a witch doctor and has powers other people don’t, in the story many people believe in him, except Gertrude who says: ‘o, how could my people be so superstitious.’ She soon changes her mind and goes with Rhoda to visit him this is where it is revealed that Gertrude has an enemy: ‘medicine can’t cure it. Is the work of an enemy.’ Trendle then reveals the face of her ‘attacker’ to her. Gertrude reacts calmly when she finds out who it is as she says she does not ‘care to speak of it.’ When she is talking to Rhoda and does not tell her what she saw. After this Rhoda and her son disappeared quietly. Over the next six years, Gertrude’s arm continues to wither, and the fact that she had brought no children to her husband made her worry even more that Mr. Lodge would reject her. Mr. Lodge has superficial love for Gertrude which was based on her beauty: ‘the woman whom he had wooed for her beauty.’ But as her arm is getting worst we see that he starts to disregard her. She starts to age beyond her years: ‘she was now five-and-twenty; but she seemed older’. She becomes desperate for a cure and tries all sorts of remedies. This makes us feel sympathetic towards her. As a last resort she visits Tremble and tries to take advantage of his ‘white magic’, this leads to fatal results and her superstition, combined with desperation, must be held accountable for this. He tells her she must ‘touch with the limb the neck of a man who’s been hanged.’ As time passed she considers this and wished: ‘o lord, hang some guilty or innocent person soon!’ This shows how desperate she was becoming. Gertrude’s meeting with the hangman reveals her obsession: she has in fact prayed each evening for some ‘guilty or innocent’ person to be hanged Rhoda and the hangman having a discussion in which she says: ‘o- a reprieve- I hope not!’ Here she is saying even if the person is innocent she hopes he will not be let off. Through out the story it is full of irony- you have farmer Lodge marrying to have a son, even though he has one which he does not recognise. Hardy chose not to give the illegitimate son a name; this may be because Lodge failed to recognise him, even though he wishes for a son: ‘I once thought of adopting a boy!’ Gertrude befriends the boy but unknowingly wishes for his death, in which when she finds out the identity of the hanged man she dies from shock. The denouement of the finial gruesome meeting between the two women brings all interaction to an end. The scene is highly dramatic and needs few words. This is where we learn that it is Rhoda’s son that has been hanged and due to this Gertrude’s ‘blood had been turned indeed- too far’. In conclusion of both stories I think that Lord of the Flies represents horror in a more sophisticated way than The Withered Arm, saying that Lo-rd of the Flies was written when there was no TV this virtually inserts images into your thoughts, the only thing with Lord of the Flies was the actual storyline as it was too unreal because if there was a plane crashes, normally there is hardly any survivors but in this case, the whole troop survived!! In conclusion the withered arm is an effective story of the supernatural from the point of view from the reader. When it was written as people heavily believed in the supernatural and witchcraft, this is another reason the story is effective. It differs from today’s horror stories, as it is not full of blood and guts.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Planning Softwares in todays Project Management Research Proposal

Planning Softwares in todays Project Management - Research Proposal Example According to PMBOK, skills, knowledge and techniques applied to meet the scope, cost and time requirement of a project is called Project Management (PMI, 2004). The company has no formal project management processes set in place; however, they have heard about project management software tools that can help manage projects and reduce the failures. According to a survey by the Gartner Group, PM software tool vendors who also provide consulting services and support have annual revenue of $800-$900 million and this market is expected to grow by up to 20% each year (Liberatore et al, 2003). Another survey by Pollack-Johnson et al (1998) shows that almost all project management professionals use some kind of project management software to assist in their project management activities. Raymond et al (2007) and Brodar et al (2007) have conducted research indicating that there has been significant contribution of PMIS in successful completion of their projects. The rise of SaaS (software-as-a-service) project management tools such as also indicates the high demand for such tools in the market. However, desktop applications such as Microsoft Project and Primavera still dominate the project management market in particular industries (Liberatore et al, 2003). Although research su... The management agrees strongly with recommendation of Ahlemann et al (2006) - "the software for planning and controlling projects should be user-friendly and, by all means, should fit to an organization and its method of doing project management". Hence they are skeptical of investing money in expensive software unless they can find out that it can really help reduce project failure. On a broad level, this research study will be conducted to help the management make this decision. Aims The aim of the research project is to understand whether project management software tools can help implement project management in an organization while reducing project failures and automating manual activities and processes defined by project management standards. Objectives The objectives of the research are given below; To understand the need for project management and associated software tools in the case company To understand how project management software tools can be used to automate the existing or recommended project management processes for the company. To understand whether the case company is ready for the implementation of project management software tools To understand the issues that may come up during the implementation project and how to overcome them To understand the factors responsible for successful implementation of project management software tools Research Design (including method) or critical approach Project management is a broad topic and many standards and associations are available on the subject. To limit the research, therefore, the researcher will only study the de facto standard of project management, PMI PMBOK and PMBOK's related literature to understand the activities and processes defined under the nine

Friday, September 27, 2019

THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER - Essay Example It is thought that the universe’s basic component was matter and anti-matter and their collision precipitated the creation of the universe. The particles that will be created after the collision in the LHC will be studied by scientists and this will provide them special insight and understanding about how the universe and the particles that comprises it, begun. Recent development in the LHC reported that the antimatter, whom the scientists believe as the matter’s negative counterpart existed but were mostly destroyed leaving our universe to be only composed of matter. Some particles that were produced inside the Large Hadron Collider also appeared to be behaving differently from their antimatter counterparts, providing a partial explanation to the mystery of antimatter. The study inside the LHC is not yet complete but for sure, it will generate interesting results that could alter our perception about the universe because it will answer the very basic question like how was the universe

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Methods to Motivate Employees to Improve Behavior Essay

Methods to Motivate Employees to Improve Behavior - Essay Example So, if left without any counseling, they would be worried, stressed, traumatized and demoralized. So, counseling would help in restoring their confidence, encouraging them to be strong and understand the situation fearlessly (Hackman & Oldham, 2011). This would, in the long run, motivate these workers to continue serving the company for the remaining days. The other strategy that might be used to handle the situation is the provision of training services to the employees. Although they would soon be laid off, these clerks need to be equipped with skills on how they can use the new software and effectively adapt to the introduced changes. If professionally done, training would make these employees to feel recognized as an important part of the organization who, despite their training, can not be left out in case of any such developments (Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2005). After all, not all of them might be eliminated if the new software is fully integrated into the system. This would also motivate them. However, for all these to be done, a lot of time and qualified professionals are required to offer the necessary counseling, coaching and

Yahoos industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Yahoos industry - Essay Example With time and advent of another search engine Google, Yahoos popularity is now confined to Yahoo News, Sports and Finance while Yahoo is now-a-days is not a preferred choice as a search engine and Google has emerged as the most preferred search engine for web searching, electronic messages (e-mails), chats, blogs etc because of its user friendly approach and fast results. Visitors do visit Yahoo especially for those attributes which are not offered by Google else if Google offers them they have a preference for Google over Yahoo. The underlying concept is Google appears to be the chief set of connections for maintaining follow-up of diverse social associations, acquaintances and interfaces. The chief reason that could be assessed- most of the individuals have MyBlogLog, MySpace, Facebook and other social accounts which aid in staying in contact with friends and acquaintances. Yahoo offers sites for commercial purposes such as Finance, Yahoo Answers : Q&A, Backlink Reporting, Flickr for photo uploading as well as sharing, for entertainment, privacy and local search. Yahoo is therefore preferred for its wider domain and for the features which are lacking in Google and least preferred for the features that are present with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Department of Defense Small Business Contract Essay

Department of Defense Small Business Contract - Essay Example (2009). Advantages 1. The requirement for this contract is only the delivery of the agreed merchandise, for which the contract was agreed. 2. Can also be used to test unknown contractors 3. It provides for a situation in which there is competitive bidding on the entire scope 4. Management by the owner is least required 5. It provides an incentive for the contractor to equip best resources Disadvantages 1) It bears a heavy risk to the contractor as s/he assumes the cost risk 2) Both the schedule and quality of risk is heightened 3) A very complete and in-depth definition will be needed upfront 4) There will be more costs attached when changes occur than in cost-reimbursement 5) The total schedule of the bidding process is lengthened in this case Cost-reimbursement contract This is that contract whereby a given contractor is compensated for every of its acceptable costs or rather expenses to a given limit, plus an additional imbursement to thrive to some profit (Project Management Inst itute. (1987). It is a contract with a fixed price contract, whereby the contractor is issued with a negotiated sum f money irrespective of the expenses that may be incurred thereof. There are various contracts namely the time and materials contract, the cost-reimbursement and the fixed price contracts. Each contract comes with its own performance risk and/or cost for the various agencies especially the governments but the different kinds of the cost-reimbursement contracts could be employed be it in form of the award fees, incentives etc that are put in place to motivate the contractor and subsequently dispel waste and inefficiency by the given contactor (Heldman, et al, 2007). Cost-reimbursement contract pay s the said contractor’s acceptable costs that are incurred to such extent set by the contract but may also pay an additional fee related to the performance. Such contracts do include an estimated sum intended to obligate the funds and a ceiling to that said contractor w hich exceeds at its own risk, unless agreed on and approved by the contracting personnel. This type of contract may be used in situations in which the accounting system used by the contractor for determination of costs is easily applicable to the contract and where appropriate surveillance at the time that the performance is underway (Schwalbe, K. (2009). Advantages 1) It’s also used in a situation where there is a concern in the long term quality is quite high. 2) In this case, final cost might be lower than some fixed price contract due to the fact that the contractors never inflate their prices to cover risk. 3) It has some small incentive to negotiate corners as opposed to the fixed-price contracting (Project Management Institute. (1987). Disadvantages 1. Oversight and administration is also needed in the designation of an award to be offered or any such appropriate incentive. 2. Additional administration and oversight is needed to ensure that it’s only the permiss ible costs are paid and that adequate general controls to costs are instituted. 3. Certainty is limited to the exact final cost (Project Management Institute. (1987). 4. The incentive provided to be efficient in itself is smaller as compared to the fixed-price contract. Advantage of the small over big companies in contracting There are a number of mechanisms that the government has set

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leadership and Management in Healthcare Research Paper

Leadership and Management in Healthcare - Research Paper Example Multidisciplinary approach is certainly beneficial but it is relatively complex and poses advance level challenges to leadership and management in delivering the goods for which it is formulated. Thereby, managing a healthcare organization in a multidiscipline and multicultural environment would demand a superior level of leadership and management characteristics that can meet the expectations of an increasingly aware society. Thesis This research paper will investigate various traits and characteristics that are considered indispensible to achieve organizational effectiveness and efficiency in a multidiscipline and multicultural healthcare organization. The paper will discuss leadership and management issues, approaches, traits and solutions from the perspective of a healthcare administrator to manage health and human services. The research will initially present some leadership and management issues that a healthcare administration may face. The paper will also discuss different ap proaches to settle these issues in healthcare management and personal traits in terms of leadership and management to analyze various approaches for respective pros and cons. The paper will then draw conclusions that can be useful for leadership and management of a multicultural and multidiscipline healthcare organization. Literature Review Demographic changes are a known phenomenon and diversity stems from it. The healthcare administrators have to be vigilant on ever increasing number of non-native healthcare professionals in their organizations because if diversity is a necessity the maintenance of healthcare tradition and enhancing the facility is an ultimate objective for healthcare administrators. Baxter (2000, p. 9) states this fact as, â€Å"The primary selling point of... The paper â€Å"Leadership and Management in Healthcare† analyses the issues that can be useful for leadership and management of a multicultural and multidiscipline healthcare organization. The healthcare administrators have to be vigilant on ever increasing number of non-native healthcare professionals in their organizations because if diversity is a necessity the maintenance of healthcare tradition and enhancing the facility is an ultimate objective for healthcare administrators. The diversity of healthcare force is almost inevitable and administrators are required to manage these professional with assorted background knowledge and understanding of the local requirements and standards in healthcare organizations. Areas of concern for administrators in a multicultural environment range from social approaches to financial concerns of this diversified workforce. This increases the burden of management and administrators have to be more compassionate because a satisfied workforc e is the primary requirement for an efficient and effective healthcare organization. The administrator has to keep in mind the workforce concerns and demands. Administrator in a multicultural health organization provides essential interfacing between the healthcare professionals and the community. The issues that stems from the interaction of culturally diverse workforce and communities constitute a major area where the role of leadership and management can make a difference in the delivery of healthcare services.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cultural diversity in human resource management within hospitality Essay

Cultural diversity in human resource management within hospitality industries - Essay Example The literature published on the particular issue is explored. It seems that the forms of cultural diversity as part of the HRM in hospitality industry can be differentiated across firms in accordance with the local social and cultural principles; the ethics of each organization in regard to this issue have also an important role in choosing the HRM strategies of firms operating in the hospitality industry. The aspects of HRM in three major organizations in the hospitality industry, Hyatt, Hilton and Marriott are presented in order to show the common forms and effects of cultural diversity for HRM in organizations operating in this industry. It has been proved that the practical forms and implications of cultural diversity in the workplace can be differentiated from their theoretical context, at the level that market conditions tend to change continuously requiring different approaches when developing critical organizational decisions, such as decisions related to the level of cultura l diversity accepted within each organization. In order to understand how diversity can impact human resource management it would be necessary to refer to the role of HRM within modern organizations. Human Resource Management (HRM) can be characterized as a framework for managing employee issues across organizations. The role of HRM, even if seems simple, it could be described as quite complex, having to align the needs and the skills of individuals with the needs and the resources of the organization. The above view is verified through the following fact: HRM is divided into many categories, i.e. forms, each of which aims to address specific organizational problems, for instance, hard and soft HRM, the strategic HRM Management and so on (Talwar 2006). In accordance with Lee-Ross et al. (2010) HRM aims to support the relationships between employer and employees; it is explained that these relationships are often difficult to be managed, due to the lack of communication skills of HR managers but also due to the lack of willingness by the employees to support innovation and change. From a similar point of view, Saee (2006) supports that HRM is used for resolving disputes between the employer and employees especially in regard to the methods and the time framework related to the completion of various organizational projects or the alteration of existing business practices. It is also noted that HRM is a framework indicating the level of capabilities of managers involved in the relevant activity. On the other hand, Riley et al. (2002) supports that HRM is a mechanism/ framework reflecting primarily the interests of the organization; it is for this reason that HRM policies are usually based on the organizational aims and targets, either in the short or the long term. The level at which cultural diversity is promoted by HR managers within a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Stereotypes in the Media Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes in the Media Essay Stereotypes play an important role in todays society and particularly in Propaganda. According to the Websters Dictionary stereotyping is defined as a fixed conventional notion or conception of an individual or group of people, heldby a number of people. Stereotypes can be basic or complex generalizations which people apply to individuals or groups based on their appearance, behaviour and beliefs. Stereotypes are found everywhere. Though our world seems to be improving in many ways it seems almost impossible to liberate it from stereotypes. Stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time in our everyday life through religion, politics and the media. Humans have the tendency to use stereotypes in their humour, their descriptions of others, and even in their beliefs. One may believe it is possible to rid oneself of such habits; however if one looked at the regular promotions of propaganda, it would make this objective impossible. Stereotypes, however, arent always negative; hence, this essay will discuss the negative and positive aspects of stereotypes used by propaganda. Propaganda is a force which can influence and affect everyone; bringing changes in behavior, attitudes and ones beliefs. It is also known that media impacts its viewersmodifying their judgments based on the information which they receive. Substantial amounts of stereotypes broadcasted through propaganda have similar effects. This essay will illustrate how stereotypes are generally portrayed and their function in propaganda. Also it will further reveal how successful and well stereotypes can work when used in propaganda tactics. The media often uses and misrepresents stereotypes; however, they are significantly accepted by people among society. TV shows such as the Simpsons are packed with stereotypes within its broadcast of half an hour. The Simpsons contains a large number of audience that watch the show daily as it is broadcasted during prime time. Characters such as Apu are highly discriminated and stereotyped. On this show Apu is characterized as an Indian immigrant, who prays to Ganesh, and holds a highly noticeable and dissimilar accent. This is a stereotype which is observed by young children and is perceived as humorous; they apply this knowledge towards those they meet in real-life. Viewers of this show believe this information to be completely accurate for they hold little or no knowledge about that particular group. Though the stereotypes shown on TV are usually misrepresented, they are quite well accepted by the audience as the truth. The viewers who watch these shows on a regular basis do not recognize the biased content, which is being presented. Media grabs the interests of their audience through comedy, drama, and action which causes the viewers to disregard the immorality behind the content. Hence, the effectiveness of using such stereotypes contributes to the popularity of TVshows. On the contrary, the propagandas use of stereotypes is not necessarily always a negative phenomenon. Propagandas use of stereotypes can sometimes give one the motivation to learn. Bibiliography: MLA Citation: Stereotypes In the Media. 123HelpMe. com. 30 Aug 2010.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Localize your product to globalize your business

Localize your product to globalize your business LOCALIZE YOUR PRODUCT TO GLOBALIZE YOUR BUSINESS. OBJECTIVES:- Analyze how should be the Structure and Capacity of Firm to explore a localized product to global market Evaluate the Demand of the product in the particular country where the firm wants to explore. To Know the benefits from the global business that placing the placing the actual importance of a product. To Understand the Local and Global legal terms and conditions to access or for trading a product to global market. Analyzing the Local and global Market competitors and upcoming problems with similar products in Price, Reliability and quality. Critically analyze the Barriers to growth for small firms. 3. Context :- The main purpose to choose this topic because, as the Author is from a Business background family, owning a group called RGS GROUP FIRMS which deals with Manufacturing Micro nutrient and Fertilizers products with fully fledged and localized in the Indian Market, Author main aim is to Explore the Business which is presently in INDIA to other countries with help of there Localized products to global Market for which author is taking the help of this Dissertation. The intention of doing this study is to grab the information is how to launch a localized product outside the country and Author personal interest is to improve his business status to globe with the help of this research on above topic. Literature Review:- The literature review is focused in areas related to innovative product development for sustainable competitive advantage. The essentials for the product development would involve market segmentation, innovation, capacity of the firm, need for skill (Knowledge) and research and development to globalize a product. The literature review aims to conclude with a framework for business strategy intending to enhance product development. Some people are given a survey to complete to gauge their reaction on globalization of a localized product to other countries, who have placed different importance in there concepts. Which are as below. According to KENECHI OHMAE in his book THE NEXT GLOBAL STAGE published in 2005 he said that Effective communication always depend on the non existence of borders. It was one thing when communication was predominantly physical. If a person wanted to go from A to B or send something there, be it is a letter or product , the inter force of gravity often slowed the process down. Slowness of movement was futured added to by border checkpoints, the need for visas and passport control not to mention custom exercise inspection. People viewed these as obstacles and deterrents. Critical points in the process of Expansion of a Firm:- According to EDITH PENROSE in his book THE THEORY OF THE GROWTH OF THE FIRM, when a firm is relatively small the division of managerial labor will not be extensively and the most important decision are sometimes made by only one man. As the firm grows it reaches a point where a change in its managerial structure must take place because of the necessity, if growth is to continue of subdividing the managerial tasks and especially of decentralizing managerial decision making. The Small Firm and international Business Strategy decisions:- Market Entry:- Dawes (1995) acknowledges that for small business moving from the confines of a domestic market to market across national boundaries which may comprise one or more international markets can be a daunting prospect. He acknowledges that there are a number of reasons why companies do decide to internationalize their operations and the reasons are identified. Johnson and wiedersheim -Paul (1975), Bikey and Teaser (1977), Cavusgil (1980) and Czinkota (1982) all put forward export development models, discussed. Which they see as the export behaviour theories of small firms PRODUCT:-. The architecture of the product is defined not only by the decomposition of the complete product into elemental components, but also by the interaction between these components. The interactions, System architecture design principles suggest ways to plan architectures with minimal interactions across sub-systems, maximizing architecture interactions has been accomplished using matrix—based methods. Analysis such of such patterns may be used to suggest clusters forming effective product modules. (Alexander 1964). EXPORTING:- In its basic form exporting can be defined as selling goods or services from one country to another. There is distinction with in the exporting approach between an indirect handling of product and services involving export houses and joint marketing methods and direct handling of product and services agents and distributors. Indirect exporting of a product involves the use of intermediaries, usually in the firms own country and in response to requests for the firms product or services from abroad. For small firm with little experience if international business, this usually the beginning of a firms move to direct exporting. The handling of the export order may then be carried out by export houses whose business is handling or financing or international trade (Hibbert 1989). The houses provide a comprehensive export service which covers principal involvement in the export activities namely arranging the sale of the product or services and dealing with paperwork and administration. ENTRY ANALYSIS:- If the small firm is to approach exporting in an entry strategy basis the small firm will need to determine sales projections with the detailed costing information. The costing will need to cover existing operation in the business that will be involved in an exporting programme. The costing may well involve sensitivity analysis to determine effect on sale trends etc given specific scenarios Eg Currency fluctuations, (Chuck C Y Kwok 1987). MAKING GLOBAL PRODUCT:- Robin.K and Beebe.N in order to make products that appeal to customers in different parts of the world many companies are finding that they need to develop a deep under standing of consumers in the different parts of the world. (Robin.K and Beebe. N). GOING GLOBAL TO ADD CAPACITY TO A FIRM:- Perhaps the most common reason companies â€Å"go global† with product development to expand their capacity in other words , to add skill , Knowledge, expertise and the infrastructure that can help them develop more and better products. The following below are some of the Globalization strategy to shape the firm. Finding more skilled hands to do the routine work. Finding resources that can extend and complement your product development work. Increasing your access to special competencies. Acquiring special skills that out or in source vendors may do better than you. DECIDING WHERE TO GO WHEN YOU GO GLOBAL:- Most firms began to globalize their product development activities in order to exploit low cost suppliers or global markets. They stick with the globalization to reap the benefits of additional skills and capacities. (Robin.K and Beebe. N). Knowledge of the country and its international context:- (Thinking Globally and Managing globally) The implementation of localised management is dependent upon effective local knowledge. National geography and history, local political and economic management, technological development and socio cultural features. The international context within which the country may be placed; for instance: Whether the country is categorized as traditional or Third World; developing, or a lesser Developed Country (LDC), or industrialized. (Tony morden, (European Business Review). Standardizations and Product Category:- (Brand Globally but Advertise locally) Several of the reported empirical studies have noted that brand and advertising Standardization is a function of product category. Still and Hill (1984) found brand standardization in 76 percent of pharmaceutical products, but in only 60 percent of the food products. Boddewyn and Hansen (1976) found standardized branding practice to be highest for consumer durables. (Dennis M. Sandler and David Shani). Developing Local Product to a Global Market:- A firm can take advantage of large scale production and distribution and a global reputation yet successfully accommodate local market idiosyncrasies. The key to an effective marketing strategy is to understand and capitalize upon unique market characteristics of different cultures and sub-cultures. Successful development of international product and marketing strategies lies in being global and acting local. The proponents of global marketing strategy have displayed a strong insensitively to largely varying local needs, wants and behaviors. The implementation of being global and acting local begins with understanding consumer behaviors and at the macro level, international markets. (James Wills, A. Coskun Samll and Laurence Jacobs). Research in international new product development Current understanding and future imperatives:- This has been an observable trend that has posed both difficulties and opportunities for host of the business in both product manufacturing and service sectors. In the context of innovation and more specially, localized product development , organizations have had a grapple with more demanding regional and global customers and rising a level of international competition , suppliers and global customers and rising the level of international competition, suppliers and resource markets , Realistically firms that seek to excel cannot ignore these challenges. Instead they can ensure survival by capitalizing on internationalization opportunities. In order to create value for international or global customers need to formulate and implement appropriate product development strategies and process to meet the needs and demands of international markets. There is growing concern that strategies, structures and processes for developing and commercializing new technologies for domestic market may not be entirely suitable to meet the demands of the business serving international market.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Polio :: essays research papers

Poliomyelitis, infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis. The greatest incidence of the disease, also known as infantile paralysis, is in children between the ages of five and ten years. The disease was described in 1840 by the German orthopedist Jacob von Heine. In its clinical form it is more prevalent in temperate zones. Symptoms The virus usually enters the body through the alimentary tract and spreads along nerve cells to affect various parts of the central nervous system. The incubation period ranges from about 4 to 35 days. Early symptoms include fatigue, headache, fever, vomiting, constipation, stiffness of the neck, or, less commonly, diarrhea and pain in the extremities. Because nerve cells that control muscular movement are not replaced once they are destroyed, poliovirus infection can cause permanent paralysis. When nerve cells in respiratory centers, which control breathing, are destroyed, the victim must be kept alive by an iron lung (see Artificial Respiration). For every paralytic case of poliomyelitis, however, there may be 100 nonparalytic cases. Treatment Because no drug developed so far has proved effective, treatment is entirely symptomatic. Use of moist heat coupled with physical therapy to stimulate the muscles was first initiated by the Australian nurse Elizabeth Kenny, and antispasmodic drugs are administered to produce muscular relaxation. In the convalescent stage, occupational therapy is used. Disease Control Three broad types of the virus have been identified: the Brunhilde (type 1), Lansing (type 2), and Leon (type 3) strains. Immunity to one strain does not furnish protection against the other two. Poliomyelitis control was made possible when, in 1949, the American bacteriologist John Franklin Enders and his coworkers discovered a method of growing the viruses on tissue in the laboratory. Applying this technique, the American physician and epidemiologist Jonas Salk developed a vaccine prepared from inactivated poliomyelitis viruses of the three known types. After field trials in 1954 the vaccine was pronounced safe and effective, and mass inoculation began. The American virologist Albert Sabin subsequently developed a vaccine containing attenuated, live polio virus that could be given orally.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Infiltration of Popular Culture in DeLillos White Noise Essay

The Infiltration of Popular Culture in DeLillo's White Noise In Don DeLillo's satirical novel White Noise, we become acquainted with what we might call a "postmodern family" - a group of people loosely bound together by birth, marriage, and common residence. But as we observe this family, we notice that the bonds between them are strained at best, and that their lives have been taken over by some insidious new force. This force is popular culture. For better or worse, pop culture has infiltrated the lives of our fictional family just as it has the lives of real human beings. DeLillo's purpose in the book is best illuminated by Heinrich's comment after the airborne toxic event: "The real issue is the kind of radiation that surrounds us every day." In other words, DeLillo states that popular culture is ruining - or, perhaps, has ruined - us all. We must first unpack what DeLillo, speaking through Heinrich, means by this statement. First, we notice that culture of some sort is important to a society's well-being - in fact, some would argue that a group of people does not form a civilized society unless they have culture. Now, "high" culture - the culture espoused by the ruling classes, such as theater, classical music, and the like - is usually delivered live. No radiation is required. In contrast, "low" or "popular" culture is generally transmitted by radiation - the television or the radio. Steffie's "Toyota Celica" episode (154-155) is an example of this, as are the symptoms of the airborne toxic event that continually change in accordance with the radio. Furthermore, the fear of death figures prominently in the novel, and this is parallel to the obsession with youth. Many have blamed the American obsession with youth (e... ...ized by an obsession with the messages delivered by the radio. All the characters change the name that they use to refer to the event when the radio announcer does - a "feathery plume" (111), a "billowing cloud" (114), and finally an "airborne toxic event" (117). But this is only nomenclature. More telling is the fact that the girls' symptoms - actual objects with physical manifestations - constantly change with the radio reports. We learn that "Heinrich told her [Denise] she was showing outdated symptoms" (117). How can symptoms be outdated? The only solution is that we really have become media lemmings, ruled by the suggestion of beings who exist only in radiation rather than by our own selves. We have become slaves of the media, as DeLillo so vividly illustrates - and we should be terrified. Work Cited DeLillo, Don. White Noise. New York: Penguin, 1985.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are Not Evil Essay -- GCSE Coursework Macbeth

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are Not Evil Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are good people with poor judgment. It is unfair for Malcolm to describe them as "this dead butcher and his fiend - like queen". In the beginning they are a respected couple sharing a loving relationship. Their downfall is not due to evil, but caused by their ambition for Macbeth, sparked by the witches' prophecy. Macbeth's indecision on whether or not to kill Duncan, and Lady Macbeth's begging of the spirits to take away her feminine qualities, demonstrate that ruthlessness does not come easily to them. Macbeth is a Scottish nobleman and important kinsman of King Duncan, whose devising and heroic leadership of a winning tactic in a battle show his talent, courage and loyalty to his country. He is well respected, and after his feat of braveness, Duncan believes him worthy to receive the title of Thane of Cawdor, which is a huge honour to Macbeth. The problem with this, though, is that it helps to spark his ambition, which, we find later, is his tragic flaw. Lady Macbeth is a loyal wife with ambitions for her husband. She believes that Macbeth deserves to be King, but thinks that he is too nice to do anything about it. She does not think that he could kill Duncan on his own. She is supportive of Macbeth, and is willing to do what she can to help him get what he wants. She is basically a caring and loving person, though, so she pleads with the Spirits to take away her tenderness and femininity and make her ruthless: " Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty." (I.v.38-41). This evidence on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth proves that, at the beginning of the play, they are bo... ...omen Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts, eds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1997. Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. Mack, Maynard. Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. Schlegel, August Wilhelm. Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies . A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. London: AMS Press, Inc., 1965. Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992. Steevens, George. Shakespeare, The Critical Heritage. Vol. 6. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Wills, Gary. Lady Macbeth and Evil. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Global Economic Cost Essay

Acme Motors- is currently one of the primary US automobile producers in Mexico, aiming to become one of the world’s largest automobile producers in the international market. Aside from the said goal, Acme is also striving to provide their customers with more and better vehicles not to mention the eagerness of the management of Acme to experience high profitability and greater market share. In order to fulfil the said goals, one possible avenue would be to have a comparative advantage over their competitors through investing to developing countries which could supply the company with needed resources. Currently, the company has a manufacturing plant in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas in Mexico that produces the â€Å"Quattro engine†- known for its lightness and high efficiency performance (Associatedcontent. com, 2007). Acme Motors uses one process to develop cars instead of having each engineering center operate under different process. The reason why Acme established the manufacturing plant of automobile engine in Mexico would be for them to utilize the cheap cost of labor of the said country not to mention the lax policies of the Mexican government in terms of workers’ security. With the cheap labourers available in the economy of Mexico, Acme was able to minimize their operational cost, thus, improving their profitability or the level of potential production that they could execute. At the end of the day, Acme will have a comparative advantage over their competitors in the domestic and international market since they could either lower down the prices of their automobiles to attract more customers or offer incentives to loyal customers as well as further expand the operation of the business with the aid of the capital that the management saved from the cheap costs of labor in Mexico. In this regard, the operation of Acme in Mexico has been of great help for the company to enjoy impressive growth for the past years of its operation in the market. Globalization made a great avenue for multinational firms to acquire comparative advantage that later on benefits their consumers and stakeholders in a general sense (The Globalization Website, 2001) But the big question would be; did the company consider the welfare of their workers in Mexico in terms of salary and working hours? How about the benefits of the workers, did they receive any benefits from the management? These are the questions that are currently being thrown over the management of Acme. Are they true? Let us find out. Acme belongs to the so-called Maquiladora which means Mexican industrial plants that assembled imported components into finished products for export. Maquiladora has been known for abusing their workers through paying a very low wage on the latter not to mention the long hours that they have to work which is equivalent to 14 hours a day (Bacon, 2000). This kind of practice already abuses the human rights of their workers as well as violates the Mexican labor law for not allowing workers to establish unions. With the said above issue, Acme has a different case for, even if they are one of the Maquiladora, they value the relationship of the management and their workers. Acme do not allow the workers to work 14 hours a day just like any other ordinary members of Maquiladora do to their employees in order to give way for those who are working student and/or to give ample rest for their workers. Moreover, Acme pays their workers right based on what is dictated by the law as well as based on the company policy which is also being implemented to other branches of Acme around the globe. At this point, the management of Acme ensures to every constituents of the company that they put premium on the welfare of their workers and employees for they believe that the latter is not a tool of the company in reaching their goal, rather, a partner in every step of the way to achieve the goals and objectives of the management. With regards to the formation of labor union, based from what I have observed from the given situation, it would be beneficial on the part of the management to allow our workers there in Mexico to establish a labor union in order to put back their morale and productivity. If the management will not consider this alternative, then, there is a great possibility that the productivity of the entire production area will significantly down. Furthermore, there is no room for the management to get afraid of the formation of the said labor union since we are all confident that we abide on any government policies of our host country as well as we put value on our relationship with our workers. By the time the productivity of our workers improves, the adverse effect of the policy of the Mexican government regarding the purchasing of the majority of our raw materials should come from Mexican suppliers on our profitability level will be neutralized. With the aid of NAFTA, multinational companies like Acme could now select the location of their production area based on the influence of various business factors. This only tells us that NAFTA made it easier for us to find strategic locations for productions that would give the company competitive advantage over our competitors as well as to meet the market demand of our target market. In the short run, operational cost of the company will surpass the revenue level since the company has to invest on fixed asset in order to establish a manufacturing plant in Mexico. But in the long run, this investment of Acme in Mexico will surely give them an avenue to increase their sales, profitability and market share. With the few months of hands on observation regarding the degrading performance of our workers, I have realized that it would be detrimental on the part of the company to ignore the voices of the workers and deprive them of expressing what they feel regarding the current policies that the management implements. Meeting halfway would be the best solution to boost again the morale of the workers as well as their productivity. It would also be beneficial for the company to give them the intended wage rate to inspire them to work hard and have the feeling of being part with the progress of the company. Through this, workers and the management itself will surely have a harmonious working relationship that later on contributes to the attainment of goals and objectives of the company. At this point, let me stress out that at the end of the day, the safest and effective way of having a profitable, efficient and effective business operation would be to hear the voices of workers and consider their welfare so as to give them the message that the management treasures their workers. References Associatedcontent. com (2007). Acme Automotives: The Objectives and Interest. Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/507171/acme_automotives_the_objectives_interests. html Bacon, D. (2000). The Story of a Maquiladora Worker. Retrieved January 20, 2004, from http://detagreens. tripod. com/maquiladora. htm The Globalization Website (2001). Globalization Debates. Retrieved January 7, 2004, from http://www. sociology. emory. edu/globalization/debates. html#cultural

Monday, September 16, 2019

New Hampshire and Deforestation

Nick Gagliardi Jay Knower Composition December 2, 2011 New Hampshire and Deforestation Many people today see New Hampshire as a woods infested state with so much beautiful nature and an incredible amount plants, lakes, and wild life. Most people who live here think there is so much forests that when deforestation occurs, they believe it doesn’t pose a threat or make a dent. The Granite State has been a victim of deforestation for many years and it has believed to be getting worse every year but to a larger group, it has been actually getting better.Could it be turning into a problem today or a bigger problem in the future? Is deforestation becoming a problem for New Hampshire? New Hampshire, with 78. 4% forest cover, is currently the second most forested state in the country with Maine being the first. However, the forest cover has been steadily declining since the 1980s. â€Å"This loss is about 17,500 acres per year, mostly due to land development† and â€Å"Every da y, the average person in the USA will consume about 4. 5 pounds of wood, that's a little over a third of a two-by-four.Over the course of a year, that adds up to a 16-18†³ tree, a hundred feet tall† (Forest Service). Each year, the nation plants more than 5 new trees for each American. Wood is a renewable resource. As long as forests are not converted by development, harvesting trees does not result in an increase of carbon in the atmosphere. Today there are certain foundations and things to do to prevent deforestation. Although we need wood to cut down for certain things, we plant three trees for every tree we cut down.This is called the 3 to 1 Ratio by Society Protecting New Hampshire Forest’s. About one hundred years ago the White Mountains didn’t look so well according to the many photographs taken of the mountain sides stripped of all the trees of what was once a virgin forest. The forest wasn’t looking so well with the â€Å"streams choked with silt from eroding hillsides, and ash from forest fires falling on nearby towns† (Govatski 2009). Factory owners had to deal with the floods after too much rain and then the droughts in the summer. Hotel wners weren’t getting any customers from the looks of things and complaints and by the twentieth century, â€Å"a growing consensus between widely diverse interests was building that something had to be done in  the White Mountains† (Govatski 2009). With still much interest in the eastern mountains, a Congressional action engaged at the turn of the last century to put off forest preserves in the massive areas of public domain land in the West. Still a lot of people form the East pursued ways to create such Forests. It mostly just focused on the southern Appalachians and the White Mountains.After a lot of failed presentations, many New England and Eastern organizations worked together to obtain an act introduced by Congressman John W. Weeks of Massachusetts. The Weeks Act was passed on Feb. 15th of 1911, signed by President Taft, which authorized â€Å"Federal purchase of forest lands at the head of navigable streams. The Act also provided for cooperation in fire control between federal and state authorities† (Govatski 2009). The Weeks Act was believed to have put in action when the â€Å"textile mills and rivers were starting to get polluted† (Pruyn).In an interview with Michele Pruyn at PSU, she noted that because of this water pollution and loss of tourists really woke a lot of New Hampshire people and the State and Federal Government. â€Å"This Weeks Act allowed the Federal and State Government to control all deforestation in NH† (Pruyn). Now that they were in charge of the forests, private land owners and factory owners were not allowed to cut wherever they wanted to or cut as many trees as they wanted. The Government had to look it over and enforce the 3 to 1 ratio rule and ban cutting near rivers and lakes beca use of water pollution.By cutting trees near water, debris could then easily get into the water and the air would then get smoggy from the cutting of the trees. Now people are only aloud to clear dead or only trees that are in polluted forests and after they would plant three trees for every tree they cut. Some say the Weeks Act saved the forests of New Hampshire. The law established a National Forest Reservation Commision to determine what lands would be purchased. It seized 9 million dollars for every 5 million acres of forest land in the Appalachians and another million for the White Mountains. By 1918 land purchase in New Hampshire culminated in the formation of the White Mountain National Forest. These were â€Å"the lands that nobody wanted† but the Weeks Law saved† (PSU). Since then New Hampshire has had a one hundred percent growth rate. Today people are concerned about what they call the â€Å"Northern Pass† and what will it do o the land what’s g oing to happen. You see many stickers on the bumpers of cars everywhere and sign in yards of all people who are against it but there are also a lot of people who believe that it will help very much.In support, people would have access to 1,200 megawatts of cheap, low-carbon, reusable hydro power which is equivalent to the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. It would have a â€Å"New high-voltage transmission and converter capacity adding needed robustness to the North American power grid† (NNEV). Also, it will be a new source of property taxes in economically-challenged areas of NH. The Northern Pass is believed that it bring a â€Å"10 percent reduction in CO2 2018† (NNEV). Many land owners of New Hampshire are opposed to the situation relating the Northern Pass.Citizens of NH believe that it will bring a â€Å"Negative environmental impact of the towers, right-of-way, and construction† (NNEV). Also, there aren’t many people who want a big space of cleared l and near their homes with power lines and have to look at that every day. Some say that the visual impact will discourage tourism which is the regions number 1 industry. It is also believed that it will bring â€Å"Negative health effects from the electro-magnetic radiation on people living nearby and on the wildlife† NNEV).There are certainly many opinions on this ordeal and for some people you won’t ever be able to change their minds and that’s something they will always live with. The Northern Pass brings a negative effect on people regarding deforestation in NH and gives some people a positive effect to people who don’t think deforestation is a problem in NH. I think New Hampshire has so many people that want to cherish the forests here forever and never let it die and there are so many groups out there who are fighting for the land just like in the war only this is for trees and no guns are included.There is a â€Å"Conservation Alliance that contri butes $25,000 to help protect 400+ acres on Mount Monadnock† (Forest Society). It ended up being successful. Also, The Forest Society in New Hampshire is also trying to preserve 404 acres in Jaffrey and Marlborough that have old beautiful hiking trails and precious wildlife. These efforts will also protect the mountain view of Monadnock that you can see across the region. â€Å"Mount Monadnock is one of the most hiked mountains in the Western Hemisphere† (Forest Society). On your way driving to Plymouth, NH, you can see a large cloud of smoke coming from what looks like a factory.That place is called the Bridgewater Power Company and they are known for using â€Å"biomass for energy and using renewable resource with healthy transportation which is huge† (Pruyn). This place was probably started to be heard of in 1987 when it began commercial operations. â€Å"Power was constructed and brought into service in 11 months for less than $1400 per installed kilowattâ⠂¬  (BPP 2011). The plant uses biomass fuel in the form of wood chips. This fuel supply originates as low value forestry waste from the regional logging industry being a renewable resource.The smoke that comes out of the top of the power plant isn’t anything to worry about either. It is just water vapor going into the air. â€Å"The trees you burn are equal to the trees you plant and no carbon dioxide will go into the air if you do that† (Pruyn). I think this is a great way to conserve the forest in New Hampshire and gives people a warm feeling that people are making large efforts to preserve the forest. As a lot of people think that the large number (17,500) of acres that is deforested each year is a scary number, many others believe it to be getting better each year instead of worse.There are always positive and negative thinking towards changes in our state like the Northern Pass. It might make some people not very happy but I may be a good change for us. I believe that with all of the organizations and the Weeks Act, New Hampshire forests will be here for a very long time if we take care of it properly and it won’t be much of a problem for us. Work Cited BBP â€Å"Bridgewater Power Plant – New Hampshire, USA. † PSEG We Make Things Work for You. 2011. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://www. pseg. com/family/holdings/global/plants/bridgewater. jsp Boesch, Nate. The Next Best Time to Plant a Tree: Deforestation in NH. † Conservation New Hampshire. June 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://conservationnh. org/land/the-next-best-time-to-plant-a-tree-deforestation-in-nh/ â€Å"Forest Society : Press Releases. † Forest Society: Welcome. 2004-2011. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://www. forestsociety. org/ Govatski, David. â€Å"Weeks Act. † Home Page. White Mountain History, 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. http://whitemountainhistory. org/Weeks_Act. html NNEV. â€Å"Top 5 Reasons to Support or Oppose Proposed a Northern Passa Transmiss ion Line | Facebook. † Northern New England Villages, 1 Feb. 011. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://www. facebook. com/notes/northern-new-england-villages/top-5-reasons-to-support-or-oppose-proposed-northern-pass-transmission-line/133708956696756 State, Plymouth. â€Å"Weeks Act Centennial 2011. † Plymouth State University. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://www. plymouth. edu/center-for-rural-partnerships/weeks-act/ Service, Forest. â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions. † US Forest Service – Caring for the Land and Serving People. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. http://www. fs. fed. us/r9/forests/white_mountain/conservationed/faqs. html Interview: Michele Pruyn. Plymouth State Environmentalist

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Arthur Millar Essay

In this essay I am going to analyse the dramatic techniques that Arthur Millar uses in his 20th century drama called, ‘A View From The Bridge. ‘ The play is set in Brooklyn in the 1940’s when the Italians were immigrating to America to find work as they were poor and they needed to get away from Italy to find work to feed their families in Italy. Many of these immigrants entered America Illegally. The play is about a skilled docks worker in Brooklyn named Eddie Carbone. Eddie lives with his wife Beatrice and their niece, Catherine. Beatrice’s cousins named Marco and Rodolfo come to America from Italy to find work to feed Marco’s family in Italy, as they are very poor. They plan to enter illegally. Eddie has feelings for his niece Catherine that he should not have. Meanwhile Catherine falls in love with Rodolfo and Eddie hates him because he is jealous as he loves her and he cannot stand any other man looking at her and touching her. As a result Eddie decides to let the Immigration Bureau know that there are illegal immigrants in his building. In the play, Arthur Miller uses a number of dramatic devices many of which are seen in the first act but their significance only becomes apparent to the audience in the second act. These dramatic devices are: use of language, dialogue and its sub textual meanings, stage directions, characters’ actions, props and lighting. The first dramatic technique I am going to analyse is the use of language in Alfieri’s speech at the start of the play. Miller has put this at the start of the play to prepare the audience for what will happen later on in the play. The speech starts to develop tension because there are a lot of negative and violent words used. For example, Alfieri uses terms such as ‘Machine Gun. ‘ The effect of using a term like this is to create tension for the audience, as they now know that something bad is going to happen later on in the play. As the play progresses the audience realise that this is the only time when Alfieri uses negative and violent language. So his words take on a deeper meaning when the audience realises this. I am now going to look at Eddie’s language in the first act. His speech is simple but at the start of the play his words are more vibrant towards Catherine as he tells he that she is â€Å"walking wavy. † At the same time he also refers to her as a â€Å"Madonna. † This gives the audience the idea that she is pure and she is a virgin and Eddie wants her to stay as she is. † Listen, B. , she’ll be with a lot of plumbers? And sailors up and down the street? † This illustrates Eddie’s feelings for Catherine and it can also mean that he does not want any other men looking at Catherine or marrying her. Eddie’s dialogue changes when the cousins arrive. He uses working class American colloquial words, such as â€Å"Yiz have a nice trip? † when he asks the cousins Marco and Rodolfo about their journey. Eddie wants to make it clear that he is the man of the house and that he is in charge. These expressions are only used in the first act when he is speaking to Marco and Rodolfo. This builds tension because the audience know that Eddie is going to start trouble with Marco and Rodolfo later on.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Companies Are Incorporated And Operated On The Premises Of Agency Theory Accounting Essay

Companies are incorporated and operated on the premises of Agency Theory. The Agency Theory spells out that there should be a working relationship between the direction of the company and the investors of the company in order to maximise the stockholders wealth. The way for the traditional research of corporate administration was set up by Berle and Means ( 1932 ) , when they presented an bureau theory to divide ownership from control. This theory to divide ownership from control led to the development of the bureau theory. The early rivals of the bureau theory assert that the bureau relationship is a contract under which one party ( the principal ) engages another party ( the agent ) to execute some service on their behalf. ( Coase, 1937, Jenson and Meckling, 1976 and Fama and Jensan, 1983 ) . The bureau theory is of import, yet different writers and research workers see it from controversial positions. The footing of the bureau theory appears from the separation of direction and fundss Sleifer & A ; Vish, ( 1996 ) . Agency theory is widely used as a model in many research of corporate administration. It is used in research state of affairss where the benefit on one party ( the principal ) is dependent on the behavior and actions of 2nd party ( the agent ) . The constructs and rules of corporate administration are chiefly based upon the bureau theory. Good corporate administration requires an effectual board to take the company so that it creates wealth for the stockholders and besides to run into other stakeholders ‘ outlooks. For illustration, Barclays Board of Directors, guided by Group Chairman Marcus Agius, runs the concern on behalf of stockholders. As a scheduled company on the London Stock Exchange, Barclays meets the footings with the UK Combined Code on Corporate Governance. Barclays Executive Committee includes the most superior leaders in the concern, headed up by Group Chief Executive John Varley. It has proclaimed the enlargement of its Executive Committee and alters to its organisation and senior direction undertakings, puting its concerns to convey strongly in the developing fiscal services industry. Stockholders are placed as one of the stakeholders that directors must see throughout their determination doing on how a corporation can and should be set and implement way Jonker J, ( 2003 ) in Freeman ( 1984 ) . Although the bureau theory is expected to make a smooth and good relationship between the principal and the agent, there are some jobs which arise because of the impossibleness of absolutely undertaking for every action of an agent whose determination affects both his ain public assistance and the public assistance of the principal, ( Brennan, 1995 ) . Agency theory is concentrating at everyplace bureau connexion, in which one party ( the principal ) designate work to another ( the agent ) , who carry out that work. The theory is related with work outing two jobs that can happen in bureau relationships. The first is the bureau trouble that happens when ( a ) the yearning or aim of the principal and agent clang and ( B ) it is difficult or dearly-won for the principal to corroborate that the agent had acted appropriately. The 2nd is the trouble of hazard sharing that happens when the principal and agent have dissimilar attack in the way of the hazard. The job here is that the principal and the agent may prefer different actions because of the different hazard penchants ( Elsenhadt, 1989 ) . Barclays Capital and/or its associates may, from clip to clip, have topographic points in, and may, as chief or agent, purchase or retail the Securities. Barclays Capital shall non be lawfully responsible to any single on any base for any dead or costs go oning straight or indirectly out of the exercising of or dependence on any of the appraisal or in sequence set out herein. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) From the bureau theory position, the aim of corporate administration is to guarantee that directors resort to value maximising schemes ( Shleifer and Vishny, 1997 ) . There have besides been efforts to linkthe â€Å" resource based position † and the â€Å" managerial rents theory † ( Castanians and Helfat, 2001 ) with corporate administration, in the strategic direction literature. This position maintains that corporate administration variables are the factors, which are considered cardinal and of import to the effectivity of Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance ‘s cardinal variables are closely associated with the success or failure of companies and a cardinal managerial resource or human capital and therefore a possible beginning of competitory advantage to the house. Many companies have failed in the United Kingdom and this has stimulated argument about Corporate Governance. The prostration of the Maxwell Publishing Group in the late eightiess stimulated the Cadbury Report in 1992. In the 1990s instances like the Poly Peck, BCCI and Marconi farther necessitated a demand for proper Corporate Governance. In looking at all these incidences of Corporate Governance inefficiencies and ineffectualness, it is noticeable that some instances are clearly a affair of concern planning and hapless decision-making by direction. The strategic planning is the exclusive duty of the board. This therefore points it out that the board composing plays a major function in the success or failure of the concern. As is clear now, BP could hold put in more honest to extra diminish or maintain off from the jeopardy of sloping oil into the ocean. Even with Green Project Management, if BP ‘s pick was non to pass more in a hazard response strategy, so possibly they should hold approximate the party costs necessary for a clean-up activity as they are at present commencing. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The prostration of many companies is as a consequence of fraud. Fraud could be in signifier of cover-up and deception by direction or in some instances it could be the combination of both. The WorldCom in the United States and Maxwell, BCCI and Poly Peck in the United Kingdom are authoritative and living illustrations. Another issue is the inquiry of regulative inadvertence, as highlighted in the instance of Enron. Then Combined Code was introduced in the UK to reconstruct the investor ‘s assurance following many prostrations and company failures of those large corporations. The Directors are accountable for internal control in HSBC and for reconsidering its efficiency. Events have been planned for saving assets against illegal usage or disposition ; for continuing good accounting records ; and for the consistence of pecuniary information used within the concern or for journal. Such events are considered to pull off instead than make off with the hazard of dislocation to achieve concern aims and can merely offer reasonable and non complete declaration aligned with important misstatement, mistake, losingss or fraud. The actions besides allow HSBC Holdings to unclutter its duties under the Handbook of Rules and Guidance issued by the Financial Services Authority, HSBC ‘s guide supervisory organic structure. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )2.2.2 The Original Combined Code-1998The Combined Code is made up of three chief studies. The original combined codification incorporates the recommendations of the Cadbury, Greenbury and Hampel studi esCadbury Report ( Cadbury, Sir Adrian, 1992 )The Committee issued a scope of recommendations for good corporate administration in a Code of Best Practice. The Cadbury study addressed four chief countries viz. , Board of Directors, Non-executive managers, Executive managers and Company Accounts. The chief recommendations of the Cadbury study are explained below: ( ICSA 2003 pp 151 – 152 ) .Board of managersThe board should run into on a regular basis, supervising the public presentation of the executive direction. Control over the company should be exercised jointly by the board of managers as a whole, with a clearly recognized division of duty between the main executive and the president to avoid domination of the board by a individual person or by a little group of executive managers. The Code argued that it was desirable to divide these functions, so that the same individual did non transport out both. It did non province that the same individual should ne'er be both president and main executive, but recommended that when this did go on, there should be a strong independent component on board to move as a counter-force, with a recognized senior member to take them. The board should hold formal agenda of affairs specifically reserved to it for determination to guarantee way and control is steadfastly in its custodies and does non let power transportation to an almighty main executive or president.Non-executive managersThere should be a sufficient figure of non-executives, suitably qualified for the positions to transport weight. Non-executive managers should be able to convey independent judgement and experience to the deliberations of the that the executive managers on their ain would miss. Non-executive managers should be selected through a formal procedure and they should be appointed for a fixed term. Reappointment at the terminal of that term should non be automatic.Executive managersThe service contract of an executive manager should non transcend three old ages without stockholders blessing. The intent of this demand was to put a bound to the size of the pay-off for a manager who is forced to go forth the company, or illustration as a hapless public presentation and stockholder force per unit area. The wage of the executive managers should be decided by a wage commission, dwelling entirely or chiefly of non-executives.The histories of the companyThe board should set up an audit commission of at least three non-executive managers, with written footings of mention. The board of managers should show a balanced and apprehensible appraisal of the company ‘s fiscal place to the stockholders including a statement in the one-year study about the company ‘s abi lity to go on as a traveling concern. The managers should describe to the stockholders on the full system of the internal control in the company. The board of Lloyds group believe that superior administration is innermost to achieving the Group ‘s regulating thought of maximizing stockholder monetary value in surplus of clip. That has been highest in managers ‘ attending when seting on the values restricted in the combined codification on corporate administration issued by the Financial Reporting Council. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) A board incorporating executive and non-executive managers with wide cognition guide the Lloyds group.A The choice of managers is measured by the board and, supervising the necessities in the articles of association, they must stand for ballot by the stockholders at the first one-year general meeting following their choice and must go forth, and may acquire up for re-election by the stockholders, as a lower limit every three old ages. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Greenbury Report ( Greenbury, Sr Richard, 1995 )In 1995 a commission was set up to look into the wage bundle and service contracts of the managers. The concern was centered around the ‘fat cat issue ‘ . This referred to the managers who paid themselves immense wages. There was another concern sing the failure of wage bundles to supply a suited inducement for managers to execute better. The study recommended the followers are other things: Directors ‘ wage and service contrac ts ; Disclosure and Approval and Remuneration Committee ( ICSA 2003, pp 152 – 153 ) .Directors ‘ wage and Service contractsA wage commission dwelling wholly of non-executive managers should make up one's mind the wage of the executive managers ‘ .The maximal notice period in an executive manager ‘s service contract should usually be 12 months, compared to the three old ages maximum recommended by the Cadbury codification. In exceeding fortunes notice periods of up to two old ages might be sensible, by merely on occasion should a notice period exceed this. The Report included general recommendation about wage, but most of these were slackly phrased and unfastened to wide reading. They included nevertheless: Executive wage should non be inordinate, but the wage commission should offer wage bundles that are sufficient to pull, retain and actuate person of the needed quality. The public presentation related elements of the wage should make a nexus between the involvements of the manager with those of the stockholders. The public presentation standards should be ‘relevant, stretching and designed to heighten the concern affairs ‘ .Matters for the wage commission to see should include the phasing of any reward strategy s, the nature of any portion option bundle and the deductions of each component of the wage bundle for payments into the manager ‘s pension strategy. Puting an upper bound to options granted as portion of a manager ‘s wage strategy should non be issued at a price reduction. Before Greenbury, it was rather usual in the UK to allow portion options to managers with an exercising monetary value at some price reduction to the current market monetary value. Share options should be granted to managers in phased sums over clip the in individual big awards. A steadfast line should be taken on the payment of compensation to managers dismissed for unsatisfactory public presentation. In the public perceptual experience, a high wage off to an outgoing main executive can look really much like a wages for failure. The Board of Ladbrokes Plc manus over the Remuneration Committee with the liability for the scheme in regard of the executive managers and senior executives. In regard of other workers the executive managers have been manus over answerability to run within the wage scheme and program construction recognized by the Board. The Board at the advice of the Nomination Committee makes agenda to the committee, which discuss with the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. The Committee normally request the Chief Executive and the HR manager to be present at commission conference about suggestion depicting to the payment of the executive managers, other than when their single payment is conversed. The Company Secretary takes stairss as secretary to the Committee. The Committee and Board think that it is in the security of stockholders to protect some of the betting and bet oning industry ‘s most superb and profitable individuals by given that to the full spirited wage. The Committee has judgement to believe corporate presentation on environmental, societal and administration ( ESG ) affairs when seting the wage of executive managers. The commission has warrant that ESG hazards are non being lifted by the motive agreement for senior direction accidentally interesting careless activities. ( http: // )Disclosure and blessingGreater revelation about the wage of single manager ‘s.The one-year study and histories should unwrap for each named manager the elements of wage, such as wages and fees, one-year and deferred fillips, compensation for the loss of office, portion options and any other long -term inducement strategy. An account and Justification should be provided whenever any component of the wage other than basic wage is pension able. A revelation should be made of nay manager with a notice period in surplus of 12 months in his her service, contract, together with an account of the grounds. The elaborate revelations on the manager ‘s wage should be checked any external hearers. The president of the wage commission should go to the one-year general meeting, where the stockholders should hold an chance for a inquiry sand reply session. The audit commission of Unilever includes a least of three or more non-executive managers ; two of them stand forA a quorum. The commission assists the boards in fulfilling their error undertakings in regard of the truthfulness of Unilever ‘s fiscal statements ; hazard direction and internal control activities ; conformance with legal and narrow petitions ; the public presentation, makings and independency of the outside hearers ; and the presentation of the internal audit intent. The commission is besides in a straight-line accountable, expose to local regulations refering stockholder indorsement, for the proposal, wages and failure to notice of the external hearers. The disclosure commission includes the Group Controller, the Chief Legal Officer, the Group Treasurer and the NV Corporate Legal Counsel. The rule of the commission is to help the boards make certain that fiscal and other information that have to be revealed openly by Unilever is revealed in a timely mode and that the information that is revealed is absolute and right. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )The wage commission studyThere should be a study in the one-year study and histories on managers ‘ wage policy demoing how wage compares with other, similar companies. All fillip strategies should depend on satisfactory public presentation standards. Long term inducement strategies should be submitted o the stockholders for the blessing, in progress of presenting them. The Greenbury study did non give guidelines of make up one's minding what constitutes ‘satisfactory public presentation ‘ , and as a consequence this component of the recommendations has been interpreted widely. For illustration, there were no guidelines about inducements for longer term public presentation. The study should include a statement on the company ‘s policy for allowing portion options and other long term inducement strategies, together with a justification for any going from that policy in the policy under the reappraisal.Hampel Report ( Hampel Committee, 1998 )The commission was set up in 1995 to reexamine the advancement of the execution of the findings of the Cadbury and Greenbury Committees. The Hampel study proposed the consolidation of the Cadbury study, Greenbury study, and Hampel study into one amalgamate codification. The Hampel study described its undertaking as ‘reviewing the substance and execution of the Cadbury codification.2.2.3 The revised combined code – 2003The original Combined Code was proposed by Hampel and latter it was revised and brought update by Higgs in 2003. The key alterations made by Higgs are in the alterations of the composing of managers. He proposed the addition of non- executive managers and the assignment of a senior independent executive manager.Contentss of the revised codificationThe function and duties of the board, the president and the NED ‘s are more clearly defined. The functions of president and main executive should be separate- the president should fulfill the standards for independency on assignment, but should non, thenceforth, be considered independent when measuring the balance of board rank. The president is give clear duties, including the debut of new managers and guaranting the proper flow of information to board members. No person should be appointed to a 2nd chairmanship of a FTSE 100 company. At least half of the board larger companies, excepting the president, should be independent NED ‘s. The standard for independency are defined. The board, it commission and managers should be capable to one-year public presentation reappraisal. At least one member of the audit commission should hold recent and relevant fiscal experience. In softening of the line adopted the Higgs Report, it is now acknowledged that: The president nominations commission, anticipate where the commission is sing the assignment of the president ‘s replacement. Smaller companies ( below the FTSE 350 ) may happen it hard to run into the commissariats associating to board and commission composing hence, such companies should hold at least two independent NED ‘s ( instead than a bulk ) and may hold smaller wage and audit companies. Where the companies wish to retain a NED for more than six old ages, their farther assignment will non will non necessitate to be explained in the one-year study but such be capable to â€Å" peculiarly strict reappraisal † . The function of the senior NED should be clarified and the importance of the president ‘s function in pass oning with stockholders and supplying leading to the NED ‘s emphasized. The purpose of the FRC has been to heighten board effectivity and better investor assurance by raising criterions of corporate administration. Companies are encouraged to do an early study on the stairss, which they are taking to implement the new Code, instead than waiting until their coverage year-end. In visible radiation of these amendments of the Code, companies will necessitate to transport out a comprehensive reappraisal of their corporate administration policies and processs and see how best to react. Over the following few months these responses will, no uncertainty, be the topic of considerable investor, regulative and media involvement.2.2.4 The revised combined code – 2005In 2004, the Financial Responsible Council established the Turnbull Review Group that saw the issue of the ‘Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code ‘ . The chief accent of the Turnbull study was to fasten internal control ( Turnbull Report, 1999 ) .Significance of Internal Controls and hazard directionThe significance of internal controls has been sketched in Turnbull study as follows: A dependable technique of internal control adds to preservation the stockholders ‘ spending and the company ‘s resources. A company ‘s strategy of internal control as a important duty in direction of hazards that is of import to the executing of its concern aims. Internal control smoothes the advancement of the success and competency of operations ; aids guarantee the dependableness of internal and external exposure and helps fulfilment with Torahs and ordinances. Efficient pecuniary monitoring, every bit good as the saving of appropriate clerking records, is a important edifice block of internal control. They aid certify that the company is non without cause uncovered to preventable fiscal hazards and that fiscal informations employed inside the concern and for diary is consistent. They besides add to the saving of belongings, together with the turning away and find of cozenage. A company ‘s aims, its internal constitution and the background in which it maps are repeatedly developing and, as a consequence, the hazard it tackles is repeatedly changing. A sound system of interior influence accordingly depends on a methodical and usual appraisal of the nature and sum of the jeopardy, which the company is uncovered. Since net incomes are, in portion, the recompense for booming risk-taking in concern, the ground of internal control is to help administer and form hazard suited instead than to acquire rid of it. The hazard direction system in J Sainsbury plc has been prepared all over the twelvemonth and up to the day of the month of countenance of the Annual Report and Financial Statements. Acknowledging that hazard is an intrinsic fraction of making concern, the strategy is intended to acknowledge major menaces and do available declaration that these hazards are wholly recognized and handled. It is besides maintained by a hazard policy and regulations on how to be relevant the scheme, which are connected all the manner through the Company. The success of the process is reconsidered two times a twelvemonth by the Audit Committee, which so reports to the Board. The Functioning Board maintain up a hazard registry, which is often re-examined by the Committee and officially, conversed with the Board. The registry holds the important hazards facing the Company and recognizes the possible influence and chance of the hazard at both a gross ( pre mitigating controls ) and a net ( station mitigating controls ) phase. Where the net hazard needs extra behaviors, these are decided with exact timelines. These workss are narrowly checked until they are wholly applied. ( http: // )Aim of the studyTo guarantee that concerns have sound internal controls embedded in the concern processes as the companies pursue their aims. To guarantee that the internal control remain relevant over clip in the continually germinating concern environment and to enable each company to use it in a mode which takes history of its peculiar fortunes. The guideline on internal controls requires the managers to exert judgement in reexamining how the company has implemented the demands of the Combined Code associating to internal control and coverage to stockholders.Internal control demands of the combined codificationThe rule C2 of the combined codification provinces that ‘ The board should keep a sound system of internal control to safeguard stockholders ‘ investing and the company ‘s assets. The proviso C2.1 states ‘That managers should, carry on a reappraisal of the effectivity of the group ‘s system of internal control and should describe to stockholders that they have done so. This reappraisal should cover all stuff controls, including fiscal, operational and conformity controls and hazard direction systems. Turnbull Report, ( 2004 ) . The Board of Marks and Spencer have on the whole duty for administering the concern expeditiously – confirms hazards are directed and it ‘s all under review. Internal controls and hazard direction are intended to boundary the possibility of dislocation to achieve corporate aims. Autonomous declaration is offered by the outside hearers and internal audit, who manus over their decision often to the Audit Committee. They have taken on an integrated method to put on the line direction, autonomous averment and internal controls to attest better connexion across re-examine and assessment of hazard. They are a broad concern with a wide assortment of aims and hazards. The Board is accountable for doing certain that all goes harmonizing to agreement and that describing lines and individual answerabilities are obviously mute. They besides have runing schemes and events covering the whole thing from fiscal planning and coverage, capital outgo, undertaking administration and informa tion security to concern stableness, worker public presentation direction and how they do concern. ( http: // )2.2.5 The revised combined code – 2006This codification supersedes and replaces the Combined Code issued in 2003. It follows a reappraisal by the Financial Reporting Council of the execution of the Code 2005 and subsequent audience on possible amendments to the Code. The Financial Services Authority, as the UK Listing Authority, is obliged by legislative act to transport out a separate audience before listed companies can be officially required under the Listing Rules to unwrap how they have applied this new version of the Combined Code. This audience is expected to get down September 2006 and, capable to positions received, the Listing Rules would be expected to use to the new version of the Combined Code with consequence from some clip in the 2nd one-fourth of 2007. In the interim, in position of the limited nature of the alterations and strong support that they have received, the FRC would promote companies and investors to use the revised Code voluntarily for describing old ages get downing on or after 1 November 2006. The Code holds cardinal and subsequent doctrine and status. The Listing Rule needs listed companies to make a disclosure statement in two parts in relation to the Code. In the primary portion of the declaration, the company has to account on how it be relevant the chief beliefs in the Code. This should cover both chief and back uping values. The signifier and substance of this division of the statement are non set, the significance being that companies should hold a free manus to depict their authorization regulations in the visible radiation of the political orientation, every bit good as any peculiar state of affairs be relevant to so which have guided to a specific method. This â€Å" comply or explain † method has been in operation for over 10 old ages and the lissomeness it proposes has been extensively welcomed both by company boards and by stockholders. It is for investors and others to measure the company ‘s statements.The statement of conformityA company that ha s non complied with the commissariats of the combined codification in full throughout the period must stipulate the Code commissariats, with which it has non complied, for what portion of the period non-compliance continued and give grounds for non-compliance. This is a demand of the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange. Ignoring the commissariats of the codification is non an option, but the company has good substantial grounds for diverting the commissariats, it is up to the stockholders to make up one's mind whether the ground given by the company is valid or non. If the managers an explain converting the stockholders that the going from the codification commissariats is in the best involvement of the company, the non-compliance is improbable to be an issue.Criticisms of combined codificationThe Higgs and Smith studies were widely welcomed by different boards like the Financial Reporting Council ( FRC ) on the revised combined codification, but besides identified some strong unfav orable judgments were simply on the functions and responsibilities of the president and the period of term of office for managers. The board suggested that the combined codification needed to set more attempt into doing the system work, there would be occasions when a company would take to utilize the â€Å" explain † option, and institutional investors should see such accounts carefully, giving grounds if they did non accept the account.